cell913blog.com #5
Recently I listened as a discussion began among friends about human hatred and this comment jumped out:
“Well, haven’t the Americans also hated the Russians,
Bells went off in my head…of course, I thought, the
Americans have a long history of tension, contention and conflict with the Russians.
Ironically, following World War II, when the Russians were America’s allies
against the Third Reich, there has been an escalation in the political rhetoric,
as well the brinkmanship of the Bay of Pigs, when Khrushchev attempted to
install cruise missiles on the Russia-friendly island of Cuba. Even with the ‘calm’
of the Reagan-Gorbachev talks and the ‘fall’ of the Berlin wall, a brief
interlude in an otherwise tempestuous relationship, the Americans have, as a matter
of foreign policy, military preparedness, and political rhetoric adopted a ‘hard-line’
approach to Russia. Occasional friendly vodka toasts, for example between
Clinton and Yeltsin, while providing photo-ops for both leaders, can be seen as
another brief interlude in an otherwise ‘tense’ relationship.
There is, nevertheless, a canyon of difference between
these chapters in U.S.-Russian, diplomatic and even threatened military
exchanges from the kind of political vermin coming out of the mouth of the
twice-impeached, and multi-charged ex-president, these last few days and weeks.
To put it bluntly, (and this is definitely not rocket-science; it is clear to
all!) trump is bereft of anything that remotely resembles a consciousness about
geopolitics, diplomacy, and international relations as both an academic pursuit
and a practicing professionalism. There is only a ‘personal dimension’ to everything
about trump: like a pre-adolescent school-yard bully, (the antithesis of Peter
Pan!), trump sees things from the lens of how he can and will manipulate others
into his ‘orbit’ or destroy those who resist such manipulation. From such a reductionistic,
simplistic, extraordinarily immature perspective, (not to mention its
narcissism!), only a zero-sum game’s rules, regulations and protocols can and will
apply. ‘Since I must win, you can choose either to be a part of my victory, or
you can lose, and in losing you will lose everything, including your character which
I will assassinate!’
The vermin of racial contempt pours out of trump’s
mouth, openly, loudly, brazenly, and tragically with impunity and even applause;
it is indiscriminate in its choice of targets: refugees, migrants, ‘spoiling
the blood of the nation,’ and within the country, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ+,
and all variations of ‘difference’ in racial colour, religion, geographic
origin. White supremacy run amok! All trump needs is to don a KKK sheet to
finally identify himself as he truly, and heroically, sees and believes himself
to be. And, immediately adjacent to such poisonous rhetoric (and belief), there
is a kind of pre-pubescent adulation for tyrants, dictators, and autocrats.
The world still is attempting to wrap its head around
the bare fact that some 74 million Americans voted for this trash in 2020. (So
is this scribe!) Why would so many sentient human beings be so easily seduced,
manipulated and lulled into a form of voluntary submission, if not outright
intoxication and dependency on this wannabe dictator? There are so many layers
to this political, anthropological, psychological, and even ‘religious’ phenomenon…that
it is only with a sense of abject dismay and desperation, knowing nothing one
either induces or deduces will suffice. Whatever kind of analysis one attempts can
only fail miserably, leaving a gigantic mystery to be more fully unpacked over
the ensuing decades, if not centuries.
The pursuit of the goal of achieving the top rung of
the nation’s financial and fame totem poles, at least in his own mind, might be
a ‘too-kind’ lens through which to interpret his motives. And the acquisition
of wealth is a goal to which many of his countrymen and women both aspire to
acquire and to be inspired by models with a high public profile. That public
profile, too, is another potential obsession of the ex-president (and never-to-be-again!),
in a culture in which ‘fame’ both for laudable, ethical, moral and altruistic
motives, as well as for infamy of the anti-hero, is a national cultural meme,
aspiration and human-motivator-magnet, especially for the young.
Fake it until you make it,” however, is the oxidation
that rusts all metals. And it is the fakery, the obsessive embrace of the ‘trickery’
of ‘pulling the wool over the eyes of everyone’ that is one of, if not the most
compelling driver of this kind of mind-set. If we peer into Greek mythology, in
an imaginative search for a ‘god’ or voice that might come close to a symbol
for this kind of chicanery, we might find Hermes, messenger of the gods. In
Roman mythology and religion many of Hermes’ characteristics belong to Mercury,
a name derived from the Latin merx, meaning merchandise and commerce.
Hermes began as a god with strong underworld associations. He was a psychopomp,
leader of souls along the road between ‘the Under and the Upper world’….Hermes
has been understood as a chthonic deity (heavily associated with the earth
and/or underworld. (Wikipedia.org). That lens may, however, be less incisive
than choosing the Greek goddess Ate, the goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin,
and blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse who led men down a path of
ruin. She also led both gods and men to rash and inconsiderate actions and to
suffering. (Wikipedia.org). Generally, in mythology, a trickster is a
mischievous or roguish figure in myth or folklore who typically makes up for physical
weakness with cunning and subversive humor. The trickster alternates between
cleverness and stupidity, kindness and cruelty, deceiver and deceived, breaker
of taboos and creator of culture. Tricksters pla8y an important role in the folklore
and culture of the United States. (Library.rcc.edu.) (Library of Riverside City
Legendary among indigenous peoples, tricksters
represent the paradoxes of human existence, prompting thoughts and images of
gods and spirits who play pranks on both humans and other gods. However, in a
culture drowning in a literal perspective, deploying language exclusively in
literal terms, manipulating ‘physical reality’ as it’s primary if not sole ‘function’
which easily morphs into ‘purpose’, the national capacity to perceive trickster
as symbol, as image, as a character in legend and folklore, through the active
imagination has been so deflated, even drugged with empiricism, moralism, and
perhaps even anaesthetized. There are not only the literal ‘drugs’ on the
streets and in the gangs. There are also cultural drugs, like the drug of “power”
and the obsessive pursuit of extrinsic power, through the willful conditioning,
training, manipulating and rewarding of the personal ‘ego’ that has become the
Achilles Heel of the American culture. “Power” is like an aphrodisiac, another
ephemeral, ethereal, odorless, tasteless, invisible gas that glides through the
conversations at all levels of the American life.
Through a literal lens of proving the existence,
value, relevance and significance of everything and everyone, the national
active imagination has been, and continues to be rendered lifeless, and, as
many have declared ‘we’ killed God, ‘we’ have collectively also ‘killed’ the
active imagination. Busily engaged, if not actually consumed, by the pursuit of
recognition, achievement, public adulation, trophies, scholarships, legacy
admissions, investment portfolios, high office, ‘we’ have dedicated our
personal, family, educational and even occupational and professional energies
to ‘climb higher’ and to reach the mountain top, however we perceive that
mountain top to be. “Exceptionality” for Americans is nothing less that ‘the
best’ in the world. And the price of exceptionality, well whatever it might be,
it pales in comparison with the actual achievement. While that may be one
approximation of the cultural mind-set, it fails to acknowledge the actual
The competitive impulse, while universal, can be said to
have roots in a ‘survival’ instinct, if we are to relate to our ‘animal’
origins. And even Darwin did not champion the ‘strongest’ in his theory of the
survival of the fittest; he championed the one most adaptable, flexible, open
to and accepting of change. Have we misread another of the seminal thinkers of
our era, in our obsessive-compulsive drive to be the most ‘alpha-male’ image we
can achieve? Have we also failed to take account of the mythic relevance of
voices, gods and goddesses, (not actual men and women), in our headstrong
pursuit of literal, empirical, and thereby unquestioned and unquestionable ‘victory’.
This image of victory is currently impaling the government of Netanyahu, in is ‘mad’
commitment to erase Hamas from the face of the earth.
Is this “erase Hamas” goal, a vindictive and echoed
chant in response to the ‘erase Israel from the face of the earth’ chant of the
Iranian leaders and their proxies? Another of our ‘aspirational’ yet clearly unachievable, unattainable and thereby
imprisoning us on the horns of our own psychic dilemma…hoisted on our own petard,
as it were. Putin too is engaged in an obsessive-compulsive ‘erasure of fascism’
in Ukraine, knowing fully well that not only it such a goal unachievable,
unattainable and thereby embodying his own self-sabotage. The “power” drug, is
ubiquitous in its multiple iterations, capsules, photo-ops, press conferences,
bombings, drone attacks, imprisonments of the likes of Navalny and Kara-Murza,
as well as the multiple iterations foaming and fuming from the mouth of trump himself.
And the consumers of this ‘power-drug’ are those of
us, who, for our own personal, political, psychological, economic, idealistic
perceptions and aspirations, whether for or against something called ‘the
public good’ or for a more intense, and nefarious ‘iconoclasm’ of the trickster,
personally, nationally and perhaps even globally.
There is a clear and unmistakable ‘madness’ to the
American, if not also the world political theatre at this period of history. And
the madness cannot and must not be attributed solely and exclusively to the
name of a single man or women. We all share in this madness! And, if James
Hillman is right, not morally, or religiously, or intellectually, but rather
psychologically, in his inseparable linkage of the anima mundi (the soul of the
world) to the psyche and soul of the individual (for Hillman the soul is a way
of seeing), and Hillman notes that ‘in our madness lies our essential myth’….then
it is only if we are prepared, patient, deeply reflective and highly and openly
imaginative will we be able to begin to wrestle with the madness that is
gripping us all.
How and why are so many of us seduced and tricked by
the trickster model, the ‘pot of gold (power)’ at the end of every imagined
personal, national and global rainbow? Is our own trickster so repressed, muzzled,
and considered so defamed and depraved morally, that we no longer even know
what happened to that voice? Are we so overwhelmed with our own pursuit of ‘an
identity’ of success, in the eyes of the world, through the active and disciplined
engagement of our ‘personal ego’ that we have lost sight and sense of our many
other voices, and myths, and gods and goddesses.
In our marriages, for instance, are we blind to the
tension that has to exist and also to emerge, between a view of marriage as a
kind of joyous coupling party (Eros) and a view of marriage (Hera) that holds
to the responsibility of a healthy commitment to continue and enhance the
civilization of which we are all intimately a part. That simple example, mostly
out of reach of many couples, is fraught with tension between two people who,
while having known each other for various time frames, have never had a conversation
about their reconciling of those two notions….perhaps until it is too late to
recover the relationship.
Heroism, whether in the form of athletic, academic, artistic
performance, military victory, political victory, financial ‘victory,’ has so
many winners, and so many millions more who are still struggling for a meager
portion of the whole ‘pie’ of necessary resources like clean water, enough
food, sanitation, the dignity of work, education and health care. We are so
committed and embedded in the convention of championing the ‘winners’ (defined
in our shared terms of the hero), and so loath to confront the 600,000 plus (in
the United States) and millions more around the world living on the ‘street’ as
it were.
Drunk on the chicanery of the trickster, immune to
even our own angst (complicatedly seen as ‘unworthiness, failures, rejects,
misfits, miscreants, colonized, segregated, alienated, fired, obsolete, too
old, too stupid, uneducable…etc.) we are hardly in a position to confront the
vortex of obvious and dangerous existential threats.
Waking to our mythic voices, both personally/individually
and collectively/culturally, might be another ‘sight-line’ to a different kind
of consciousness, based on the real, authentic and totally renewable resource
of our active imagination, whose limits we have barely even noticed let along
begun to mine.
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