"Truth does not need publicity, lies do!" (Abhijit Naskar)
The hue and cry that continues to echo, reverberate and
tremble throughout the caves of political rhetoric, primarily in the U.S., but
also to varying degrees around the globe, is burdened with a ironic and tragic history
and a legacy of information peddling the depends on lies, even ‘organized lies’
(borrowed from Hannah Arendt).
In an essay entitled, “Organized lying and professional
legitimacy: Public relations’ accountability in the disinformation debate,” on
journals.sagepub..com, published December 16, 2020, Lee Edwards writes:….’this
article argues that disinformation and fake news are well-established tools in public
relations work and are implicated in the current crisis….’(O)rganized lying-the
intentional systemic dissemination o falsehoods by groups, organisations and institutions—has
long been part of political life.(Arendt 1968*) and the tools used to create
and promote disinformation come directly from the mainstream stable of
promotional tactics, dating back to the days of propaganda and public opinion
manipulation. (Bernays, 2005 (1928): Corner, 2007,; Demetrious, 2019; Mayhew, 1997;
Ong and Cabanes, 2018; Shir-Raz and Avraham, 2017)…In a [political world driven
by opinion formation about the meaning of things, (Arendt) argues that facts,
with their ‘intractable unreasonable stubbornness’ (Arendt, 1968:243) are potentially
impotent in political debates because they can only reflect the world as it is.
Lying, however—defined as the instrumental dissemination of information and/or
opinion that has no basis in fact—is always a form of political agency. Lies
can readily be used to promote a particular point of view or to encourage
particulate forms of action, because of their persuasive power: unconstrained
by reality, ‘the liar is free to fashion his ‘facts’ to fit the profit and pleasure,
or even the mere expectations, of his audience. (Arendt, 1968:251). Organized
lying takes the impact of the lie further. More than obscuring some
interpretations of the world, it actively destroys them in service of a ‘major
and permanent adjustment of displacement of reality; (Arendt, 1971: Corner,
2007, 674) Such fundamental ontological work requires that these systematic
distortions of reality are embedded in the ways in which politics is not only
communicated, but also organised, in order that policymakers themselves believes
the distortions. Thus organised lying has the potential to replace concern for
the common good in political debates with a concern for vested interests, while
misrepresenting those interests to both the public and to policymakers as the common
good….As Harsin (2019) argues, ‘Both consumer capitalism, deeply embedded in
everyday life, and elite liberal democracy…demand deceptive communication. There
is a structural incitement to deception…To claim one truth as definitive may be
tantamount to totalitarian dictatorship, opening the door to violence and inequality
(Mejia et al., 2018: Nelson, 1978)…As Arendt (1968) argues, the result of a
consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is…that the sense
by which we take out bearings in the real world—and the category of truth vs
falsehood is among the mental means to this end—is being destroyed. (p.257)
From a piece entitled, Noam Chomsky Defines the Real
Responsibility of Intellectuals: ‘To Speak the Truth and to Expose Lies’ (1967),
dated July 18, 2018, on openculture.com we read this:
“It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth
and to expose lies,” wrote Chomsky in his 1967 essay. ‘This, at least, may seem
enough of a truism to pass over without comment. No so, however. For the modern
intellectual, it is not at all obvious.’ Chomsky proceeds from the pro-Nazi
statements of Martin Heidegger to the distortions and outright falsehoods
issued routinely by such thinkers and shapers of foreign policy as Arthur
Schlesinger, economist Walt Rostow, and Henry Kissinger in their defense of the
disastrous Vietnam War. The background for all of these figures’ distortions of
fact, Chomsky argues, is the perpetual presumption of innocence on the part of
the U.S., a feature of the doctrine of exceptionalism under which ‘it is an
article of faith that American motives are pure an not subject to analysis.’ Chomsky
would include the rhetorical appeal to a nobler past in the category of ‘;imperialist
apologia’—a presumption of innocence that ‘becomes increasingly distasteful as
the power it serves grows more dominant in world affairs, and more capable,
therefore, of the unconstrained viciousness that the mass media present to us
each day.’…For those who well recall the events of fifteen years ago (2003)
when the U.S. government, with the aid of a compliant press, lied its way into
the second Iraq war, condoning torture and the ‘extraordinary rendition’ of
supposed hostiles to black sites in the name of liberating the Iraqi people,
Chomsky’s Vietnam-era critiques may sound just as fresh as they did in the
mid-sixties. Are we already in danger of misremembering that recent history?
There is a long history of distortion in the theatre of
politics, foreign policy, economics, military manipulations, many, if not most
of them, generated by some version of the phrase “national interests” of the
nation…seemingly the history of the twentieth century’s dive into
totalitarianism, was not enough of a red flag to preclude more propaganda
manipulation in the administration of George W. Bush. Nor was it an adequate
reminder and caution against the regime of lies that now characterize the last
American administration. And, where there is power, the seat of power, and the
people who sit in those seats, there is an inevitable coterie of men and women
whose needs are so great that, like moths to brilliant light, they stampede,
and then, just as suddenly and unceremoniously, they die in the shadows of that
Similarly, in the corporate world, lies to protect the
public mask of the corporation continue to run rampant on the advertising and
public relations engines, themselves complicit in the ‘smooth running’ of the
much larger ‘engine of public information. Magnetizing eyes, ears, hearts and minds,
for profit, through sales, is the primary instrument/industry that has been
merged into the public consciousness as “respectful” and “ethical” and “moral”
and “honourable” given that it energizes employment rates, Gross Domestic Product
numbers, tax revenues, and those benchmarks that denote a health economy.
Bigness, in military machines, in sales volumes, in DOW
indices, in speed and horsepower of autos, boats, airplanes, as well as fighter
jets, and ‘McMansions…they all are calculated to evoke/provoke collective “WOW’s
from an allegedly amazed citizenry. Having more, too, at the domestic family level,
is also considered a societal “good” enhanced only by additional bobbles, and
the social reputation that flows therefrom.
Power over, too, is considered, under this epistemological
umbrella, to be better than weakness, so, naturally, those men and women and
children who have substantially less, or even quite literally ‘nothing’ of the
world’s affluence, are considered ‘inferior’ and in North America, those groups
include black, brown, Asian, indigenous…all of them also targets of something
publicly discussed as racism. Yet, there is an implicit and built-in bias of
inferiority, based on house size, wardrobe styles, sport equipment, and even body
size….given that taller people are reported to earn more than less tall men and
The lies in which we are all ensnared include such corporate
distortions that climate change and global warming are a hoax, (perpetrated by
the Chinese, just like the COVID-19), the “magic” of trump, (as told in
adulation by Senator Lindsay Graham), the stolen election of the U.S.
presidency, the imposition of restrictions on personal liberty through required
mask wearing, social distancing, and vaccinations.
The penetration of ‘alternative facts’ and the swirling
ethos of distortions lies, dissemblings has so “smogged” the culture of the
United States, that, like the pandemic itself, and the failure of the world to
trust much of the establishment’s utterances, as well as it policies, threatens
to render, at least the U.S. as potentially ungovernable.
And the lies are not the exclusive domain of the elite;
ordinary people, too, with universal access to cell phones, tablets, the
internet and the opportunity to spread their own lies, distortions, gossip,
character assassinations, rumours…all with a degree of impunity that leaves
them unleashed to their own destructive ‘power’ tendencies.
The issues of reining in the already uncapped ‘pandora’s box
of human narcissism, linked to the political and corporate culture of
deliberate lies, seems to implicate so many individuals, as well as all
demographics, that those actually charged with responsibility for ‘cleaning’ up
the cultural ethos, are themselves, first going to have to acknowledge their
own complicity in the game. And it is, after all, a game into which we have all
been recruited, perhaps ever seduced, and naively succumbed to that
Training military recruits in the arts and the science of military
action, espionage, weaponry, and then discovering those same men and women, trained
on the public purse, to defend the country, have turned their aim on the very
nation that raised them, educated them and employed and deployed them is another
of the indices that demonstrate the depth of innocence, naivety, and even
ignorance among those charged with recruitment. Similarly, however, the Republican
Party was unable and/or unwilling to block the candidacy of trump back in 2015,
a master-manipulator whose strategy and tactics were well know to all of his
opponents in their presidential campaigns as well as the media whose task was
to report on that campaign.
Documenting lies, however, as history amply proves, is no
guarantee of reducing their production, or their sophisticated chicanery, nor
is it a pathway to putting limits to hate speech. Like so much of the rest of
the political theatre, it has become another game-box, manipulated by those
seeking entertainment, separated from the foundation of provable factual
information. And, as actors in a drama whose script is manipulated and controlled
by others whose motives are, in a word, not innocent, or focussed on the public
good, but rather on their personal and private self-aggrandizement, we are increasingly
rendered victims, albeit conscious victims of a game whose rules we no longer
set, and no longer have the range and depth of power to change.
If the history of lying in the United States is imitated,
even at only a 50% rate by other nations, how can ordinary people come to the
place, a very necessary place, where we can breathe relatively easily, with any
confidence that those making decisions will make those decisions on publicly
available and demonstrable information, and then will subject those decisions
to the scrutiny of a dwindling demographic of ordinary people who have and will
continue to take the time to become familiar with the truth, in order to better
judge and to hold accountable those in public service, both elected and
A one-hour public lecture on implicit racial bias, on ABC
television last evening, while noteworthy, scanned the ways by which we all
develop implicit bias. Nevertheless, the lies that continue to confound the
body politic, and have for far too long, need much more exposure, and a
concentrated initiative among public officials, the media, the academe, the
ecclesial hierarchies, and educators at all levels, to discern the fullness of
the truth of their/our utterances, and to develop an awareness of the
implications of distortions and lies not only on their immediate goals, but on the
long-term health of the globe.
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