#10 Men, agents of and pathway to cultural metanoia (anima)
If we know that western men and women are out of touch
with, or worse, deny that humans have an inner, unconscious life, imagine how
much of a stretch it is for western men to come to a place where the concept of
an unconscious “anima” the inner feminine is even feasible.
We grow up with a first “imprint” of the feminine
comes from our mother, or our first nurturing female. Her voice, her eyes, her
very breathing, sighing, baking, cleaning, washing, and interacting with others
paint and record a video-recording that leaves in indelible set of imprints on
our psyche. Somehow and somewhere there is another partner, a man, in that
woman’s life, prompting responses of various pitches, volumes, intensities, sensibilities
that pry open our perceptions and then conceptions of how men and women respond
to each other. Depending on the quality of the harmony, rhythm, cacophony,
resonance and resilience of the relationship between the two first nurturers,
we begin to construct an image and the impact of that image on how we experience
that dynamic. Do our encounters with “mother” help us feel accepted, tolerated,
alienated, rejected? Do our responses generate smiles, frowns, shouts, screams,
turned-backs, silences? Do we feel welcome where we live, or, even before we
have the words, unloved, unwanted, and barely tolerated?
“You’re just like your father!” could be one of the
chants that penetrate our ear drums and our psyche. Perhaps, normal embraces of
warmth and tenderness are sparingly dispersed among the taunts. Perhaps even
over-sized helpings of food seem to be an attempt to compensate for the emotional
turbulence of exaggerated anger, impatience, and intolerance. Naturally, like
the universal puppy, we simply want to please. Nevertheless, all of our
vigorous efforts to “please” this adult authority figure, as well as the tone,
mood atmosphere and ethos in our “four walls” continue to rumble along on
emotional corduroy roads in a vehicle with no gas in the shock-absorbers.
This portrait may sound to some like a melodramatic “pity
party. However, it is intended to establish an excessive even compulsive
feeling of emptiness, inadequacy, unwantedness, rejection and alienation and separation
from which many young boys spend much of the rest of our lives trying to “heal.”
Whether from a “mother wound” or from a “father wound,” many young men struggle
even to acknowledge their/our woundedness. Trying to fill the emptiness of a
parent who considers him or herself inadequate, fearful, less-than-worthy is
not only impossible; it also robs the young person from the needed energies
that could be expended in more worthy and creative activities. So, the spectre
of a mountain of recovery faces many young men, whether or not they are conscious
of the depth of their emotional starvation. Lacking a vocabulary on which to “hang”
these deep feelings, young men will often try to medicate their amorphous and ethereal
and insubstantial discomfort and pain.
Filing the discomfort into another of the chores
needing to be addressed, (isn’t everything about life needing to be qualified
as a “task” to be accomplished?) young men then proceed most likely to first
deny and then to minimize their discomfort. Perhaps they/we bury ourselves in
so many activities/tasks/goals/objectives/strategies/tactics that our lives
become literally and metaphorically a pursuit of one or multiple trophies.
Early in our adolescence, we notice the attention of the co-eds in our class
paid to those athletes who win championships, score touchdowns, slam-dunk the
basketball, score the winning goal in the overtime of the league championship
hockey tournament. We objectify our very persons as agents of our own
acceptance through the expressed applause of our peers. And, generally we become quite
adept at this strategic/tactical process.
Of course, we are not aware cognitively nor are we able
to integrate the concept that our parents/care-givers have their own
inadequacies, unworthiness, neurosis, for which they are compensating,
over-compensating, and projecting onto their children. Vicarious living through
the achievements of one’s child, even if it is unconscious, nevertheless,
imposes a subtle and lingering burden on the psyche/shoulders of the child,
while leaving the parent in complete impunity for the responsibility. Neither
participant in the dynamic is conscious of its existenceor its impact.
Resentment, especially based on what are essentially unconscious dynamics, shoves
its tentacles deep into our psyche and will only shove their barbs into the
light of day at moments when we least expect them, often when we are experiencing
some ‘trigger’ event that re-awakens the buried emotion.
“The unconscious of a man contains a complementary
feminine element, that of a woman a male element. IT may seem paradoxical to
suggest man is not wholly man or women wholly woman, yet it is a fairly common
experience to find feminine and masculine traits in one person. The most
masculine of men will often show surprising gentleness with children, or with
anyone weak or ill; strong men give way to uncontrolled emotion in private, and
can be both sentimental and irrational; brave men are sometimes terrified by
quite harmless situations and some men have surprising intuition or a gift for
sensing pother people’s feelings. All of these are supposedly feminine traits,
as well as more obvious ‘effeminacy’ in a man. This latent femininity in a man
is. However, only one aspect of his feminine soul, his anima. ‘An inherited collective
image of woman exists in a man’s unconscious, says Jung, ‘with the help of
which he apprehends the nature of woman.” (Frieda Fordham, An Introduction to
Jung’s Psychology, Middlesex, England, Penguin, 1953, p.52)
As an archetype, the anima is an image of “woman” not
an image of a particular woman. So long as that image remains as archetype, it
has a timeless quality.
“She is often connected with the earth, or with water,
and she may be endowed with great power. She is also two-sided or has two
aspects, a light and a dark, corresponding
to the different qualities and types of women: on the one hand the pure, the
good, the noble goddess-like figure, on the other the prostitute, the
seductress, or the witch. It is when a man has repressed his feminine nature, when
he under-values feminine qualities or treats women with contempt or neglect,
that this dark aspect is most likely to present itself.” (Fordham, op. cit., p.
Nevertheless, failing to grasp and to acknowledge the “feminine”
aspect of male personality, as is the case for millions of men, especially it
would seem among many of the most contemptible world leaders, men attempt “to
make “her” into an external, physical woman. We do this by projection. This is our
ego’s way of trying to possess anima, to imprison her in mortal flesh,
to experience on a personal, external, physical level. One specific thing is
required ion order to return anima to her psychological role as Queen of the inner
world: a man must be wiling to withdraw the projection of anima from the
women in his life. This alone makes it possible for anima to perform her
correct role within his psyche. This alone makes is possible for him to see his woman as
she is, unburdened by his projections.” (Johnson, op, cit., p 93-4)
“This effort to withdraw his projection of anima is
very problematic for modern western man. “He is so accustomed to his pattern of
trying to life out his unlived self through other people that the prospect of giving
up seems a disaster. He feels that all the joy and the intensity of life is
contained in the hope that one day a women will come along who will make him
whole and make life perfect. It is hard for him to see that he could live with
a woman and be close to her and yet not try to live his life through her.”
(Johnson, op. cit., p. 109)
It is not only the man who is potentially caught up in
the projection of anima onto a female. “Our culture trains women that their role
is not to be human beings but to be mirrors who reflect back to a man his ideal
or his fantasy. She much struggle to resemble the current Hollywood starlets;
she must dress and groom herself and behave
in such away as to make herself into the collective image of anima. She must
not be an individual so much as the incarnation of men’s fantasy. Many women
are so accustomed to this role that they resist any change in the arrangement.
They want to go on playing the goddess to a man rather than be a mortal woman:
There is something appealing about being worshipped and adored as a divinity.
But there is a heavy price attached to this role. The man who sees her as a
goddess is not related to her as a woman; he is only related to his own
projection. His own inner divinity, that he has placed on her. And when his projection
lifts, when it migrates away from her so some other woman then his adoration
and his worship will go with it. If he has no relationship to her as one human
being to another, then there is nothing left when the projections evaporate.”
(Johnson, op. cit., p. 109-110)
Having failed to withdraw projections of the anima
from a specific woman, and having imposed a shared and inevitable pain from the
withdrawal of that projection, this scribe can attest to a dearth of mentoring,
coaching, learning and appropriate development that likely has been, is now, and
will be in the future the fate of many men and women. I can also attest to the narrowness
and exclusive “extrinsic” training and apprenticeship of those about to enter
the professions of teaching, social work, clergy and parenting. As a culture
drowning in the empirical, scientific, objective, conscious and sensate, as if
these are the only qualities of human existence that matter, we are collectively
and individually immersed in a shared shame of ignorance, denial and avoidance
of transmitting other more important dynamics of human personality and the
dynamics of their interaction.
Universities, in the west at least, are failing their
undergraduates if they refuse to acknowledge and to teach the insights embedded
in the writings of Jung, and in the dynamics that pervade a culture blind to
the unconscious. Such blindness can no longer be tolerated as willful,
deliberate, or even the recipient of lip service. Churches, too, as well as
their seminaries, are being challenged to reflect on the conflicts within their
congregations, between laity and between clergy and laity, when the unconscious
projections are rampantly playing out before their eyes. Of course, in order to
accept the truth of these dynamics, both individuals and organizations would
have to adopt new perceptions of their responsibilities and their
Schools, and faculties of education too, could open
the eyes, ears and minds of their aspiring educators to their own deep gifts of
personality, and the potential embedded in the personalities of their students and
colleagues, as well as the processes that might be deployed in professional
discussion of many of the more turbulent and stressful situations that emerge
daily. Principals, especially, both men and women, need to comprehend and to
acknowledge the mysteries of the unconscious and its potential role in interjecting
“sand” into the “gears” of the class, and the school.
In order for such a world view to become operative and
instrumental among our various organizations, individual men, too, could become
much more conscious of their potential to deny their own biographies, especially
the unconscious anima, in order to more readily and successfully engage in
relationships with women.
It is my own failure in relationships that prompts these
scribblings. And the impact of these failings will confront each of my days,
memories and reflections as long as I continue to breath.
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