#2 Men, the agents of and path to cultural metanoia
Let’s dig down a little deeper on the notion from
yesterday’s piece about the pillars, the foundation, the mind-set, the epistemology,
the psychology of the primary academic disciplines on which our “western
culture” has been built.
Yesterday, I argued, without supporting proof, that
the principles and the orientation on which all of these foundational building
blocks are based on masculinity. And there are some recognizable and generally
agreed concepts on which masculinity bases its insights, its precepts and its “framing”
Power, control, pride, dominance, self-effacement,
hierarchy (with males on top) and all of these based on what is evident through
the senses, and a virtually exclusive regard to and reliance upon symptoms, and
the evidence of debate methodology, peer review and rational, academic
discipline prevail throughout history. History has been written primarily by
men, based primarily on the exploits, both successes and failures of men, including
their male insights, intuitions, observations and conclusions about the nature
of the feminine. Giving voice to the muscle, the preponderance of “hands” and
of “fixing” whatever it is that magnetizes a male imagination, including words and
concepts like “intervention” and “remediation” and “forgiveness” and “winning” and
“getting published” and “getting recognition” and “amassing fortunes” and “building
empires” and “excluding the unwashed” and “beating an opponent” and even “salvation”….all
of these can be attributed to some masculine notion of “the fix”….
These premises are applied to a varying degree in the
operating room, the court room, the confessional, the doctoral thesis room, the
counselling office, the teacher’s classroom, the mechanic’s shop, the plumber’s
shop, the carpenter’s shop, the architect’s design table, and the scientist’s
lab. “Fixing” poses the proposition, from the beginning of any project, of the human
“fixer” as “function” really a “tool” in the complex and inter-connected “system”
of multiple “fixers”. And we then build other complex ladders, medals, awards,
stipends, offices, “conditioning stimuli” in a massive classical conditioning
project that quite literally, and from this perspective totally expectedly,
swallows the human culture and everyone within it.
Occasionally, a profession or a practitioner will
argue that in the “interface” between professional and client, it is the “whole”
person who is being considered in whatever happens in the exchange. And to be
sure, our collective and shared perception of the “whole” person has continued
to both expand and to become more complex, as we have built research models
that measure, document and analyse “emotional intelligence,” for example and
the “right brain” and the “artistic imagination” of both men and women. As we have
begun to read the female prophets, like Hildegard von Bingen, Joan of Arc, St.
Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich and others, and attempted to integrate their
minds and spirits into what is primarily a Christian faith dominated by the
hundreds of thousands of “church fathers,” we have had our (male) psyches
invaded by some profound and also profoundly disturbing “visions” of the
mysteries of the universe, including the relationships between men and women
and between humans and the deity. Throughout our literary history, too, we have
occasionally “permitted” a female author/poet/prophet to publish the work of
their literary imagination, although some have had to seek refuge (and
anonymity) under a male pseudonym.
Nevertheless, the “things of importance” and the
things that “really matter” in the public discourse, like the economy, the
production levels, the employment numbers, the disease “bullets” and the
strategic and tactical systems of military intelligence, from specific weapons
like the cross-bow, and the sword and the spear, the “walking” soldiers and those
“mounted” on horse. We men designed a theology and an intellectual and
philosophical edifice and curriculum that was/is built on models of thought
indigenous to men, written by men, supported and rewarded by men, documented by
men. Our stories of “creation” depend on the imaginations of men as do the
executions of rites and rituals of maturation, development and integration into
the various communities.
While women were perceived, metaphorically and
literally, as Earth Mother, emblematic of the birthing processes that dominate
the natural world. Nevertheless, physical prowess, physical stature, size,
loudness, and the sheer “power” of the male in early civilizations were traits
not restricted merely to the world of domestic life and survival. Of course,
men and hunters and women as gathers provided a mutually satisfying role
definition and differentiation that enabled as many to survive as was feasible,
depending on the various historic and cultural ages. Nurture of children has
historically been the primary purview of the mothers of those children while
the division of young boys and young girls, following the models of their older
men and women, divided the activities, the roles, the expectations and the
prospective futures in very distinctive ways.
Young men were encultured into the military, the hunt and
the academe, while young women were introduced to the traditional activities,
rituals, routines, expectations of being a woman. And in many early cultures,
the very natural and verdant menstrual period was deemed to be dirty, as one of
the most heinous of male perceptions to have been recorded, and even preserved
for centuries by men, at the “expense” and derision of women. “Weakness” and “being
dirty” as indicated by the natural process of the female body, not only was
unwarranted; the power of this perception and definition was both evil and
malicious to women, at least as seen the from the twenty-first century perch.
Ascribing such a view to the blindness of men, or their/our innocence/ignorance/fear,
however, is not satisfactory. The very perception itself speaks wantonly of the
separation, segregation and power differential between men and women and the dominance
of the male view on the nature of the feminine on the successive generations of
men and women on whose shoulders the “west” continues to walk today.
However, this single cultural “norm,” while heinous
and despicable, was not alone in the perceptions and norms of the cultures of
the western world. School, military training, the hunt, rites of maturation and
acceptance into the adult community were primarily dedicated to the young men
in most communities. And as drawing, writing, calculating and “learning” in the
widest sense of that word developed, along with the various instruments of the hunt,
the garden, the battlefield, and the governance, and the records of those
developments were begun, all of the perceptions, world views, attitudes,
philosophies and even theologies of those records came from the men of the
various cultures.
We read that the perspective of any work of history
depends on the “perspective” of the person(s) writing that history. We can all agree
that the shelves and archives, as well as the caves, tombs, graveyards of the
histories of the western world (and now
the “cloud”) are replete with the “perspectives” attitudes, values, ideologies and
theologies of the men who manipulated the various writing/drawing/entombing/burying
to which we continue to refer for our own world view.
Archimedes, Newton, Galileo, Michelangelo, Thucydides,
Locke, Plato, Aristotle, Maimonides, Aquinas, Smith, Pythagoras, Heraclitus,
Protagoras, Socrates, Epicurus, Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Augustine,
Anselm, al-Farabi, Machiavelli, Luther, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, More,….and the
list could be much longer…documents not merely the preponderance of male “intellectual
pillars, but also a culture founded on those insights, intuitions, attitudes
and values of men.
Neither to be trumpeted nor defamed, the contributions
of many men, noble, honourable and provocative as they are in various degrees
dependent on the critique of their scholars, taken together they have painted a
western world landscape canvas of masculine virtues and vices. And the school,
college and university classrooms of the “west” continue to explore, examine,
critique and deconstruct their works and the works of many others, an evolving
list of both male and female thinkers, poets, playwrights and historians.
The explosion
of feminine scholarship over the last few decades, however, is founded on the
principles, the methods, the disciplines and the criteria that were all poured
into both the ground of Greece, Italy, Great Britain, France, Germany and the
minds of millions of generations of students. Based primarily on extrinsic
evidence, increasingly documented in binary digits, female scholars, doctors,
scientists, architects, engineers, lawyers, accountants and even
psychologists/psychiatrists have adopted, and minimally amended the premises of
their predecessors. While some few definitions, for example of depression, have
been based (in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) on the case-based notes
from female psychiatric clients. Also the verging toward the inclusion of “loss
in death” as a condition requiring psychiatric therapy signals a shift toward a
more “sensitive” and compassionate perspective in the work of North American psychiatrists.
Nevertheless, the dependence on pharmaceuticals, hospitalization,
and a preponderance of the concept of “fixing” that is endemic to and in fact
defines the medical profession’s ethical guidance, (Hippocrates Oath starts with
“Do No Harm”) can be, and is here deemed to be a “masculine-based” model. The
professional method indicates that “doing” as a professional and ethical act
precedes and even supercedes another interventional word such as “being”. Doing,
by definition and historical evidence, is a “default position” of most men,
even in this century. In order to prepare, to investigate, and to diagnose,
prior to intervening in the medical “case” (another of the reductions of the
person/patient in language) one brings all of those hours of both lectures and observations,
discussions, experiments, examinations and instruments that have contributed to
the “education” of that medical doctor. Objectivity (case, theatre, triage,
chart, prescription, size and location of tumour, sequence of multiple
treatments, and the research upon which all of these data points are based) is ethical
sacred. Men and women, it is deemed, are simply unable to maintain the necessary
detachment from their patients, (or for lawyers, accountants, architects,
engineers, their clients)…and they must.
Surrendering this objectivity, however, could just as
reasonably be considered as an abdication of some of the really significant
potential insights, perspectives and attitudes that could be brought into the
consult room when a patient (client) enters that room. And maintaining it with
a kind of perfectionistic hygenic standard of cleanliness appropriate to the
Operating Room, however, is not only a failure to meet the “person” of the
patient. It also renders the medical practitioner so detached as to lose touch
with the very “human” qualities, traits, ambitions, and hopes and dreams that
prompted many to enrol in medical school in the first place.
Of course, parallel to this iron-clad objectivity in
both medical school and in medical practice is the polar opposite of “enmeshment”
in the very lives of the patient, as an argument for the hallowedness of the
rule of objectivity. Token comments about the weather, the family of the patient,
even the research relevant to the “case” while providing a “human side” to the
interaction, also provide safety and security for the practitioner. Ethical over-stepping
of the objectivity “rule” is considered serious enough to require license
removal in many cases.
And then, we have to examine another of the limiting
stereotypes that encase our intellectual, cultural, application of medical
procedure: the hysterical woman, the seat of human emotions. Coming from the Greek
root, hystera, meaning “uterus” hysteria and hysterical symptoms were believed
to be caused by a defect in the womb, and thus only women could become
hysterical. Here is the historical extension of the “filth” of the menstrual
blood into modern language, almost without a whimper of either protest or amendment
on the part of contemporary western culture.
A masculine-dominance in language, attitude,
perception and debasement of women, something that polite and sophisticated
society perhaps deplores, nevertheless, continues to prevail in many streets,
clubs, sports facilities and parties, whether in “humour” or in base contempt.
This dominance in social interactions and perceptions is, of course, deeply
rooted in so many sectors of our thought. God is a male; genius is historically
regarded as masculine; cathedrals are built by men; the Sistine Chapel ceiling was
painted by a male, as were many of the weapons of war, the scalpels of surgery.
Judgements in high courts have been rendered by male judges, until recently
when a significant political thrust has seen women appointed and acquitted
themselves and their gender admirably.
Nevertheless, in so many of our academic and professional
venues, asking women to approximate the “models” of excellence that were male,
in order to climb the professional, male-designed, male-built, and male-sustained
achievement ladder is like asking my three daughters to scale Killamanjaro in
two days, when the average, successful climb requires up to nine days. We are
perpetuating a blatantly sabotaging male dominance in definitions, procedures,
processes, perceptions, attitudes and values that, while they contain some
intellectual tenets worthy of honour, also tend to distort and sustain the
distortion that male models are more valueable and must be more valued than a transformation
to foundational models that build structures, processes, expectations and
integrate the many and profound atttiudes, not merely in style, or in
sensibility, or in the accessories of the women.
Their mimicking the men of history by dividing themselves
from their professional roles, without challenging themselves to seek and to
express their unique perspectives, including, if necessary, a perception of the
universe that incorporates and exemplifies a kind of unity and equity of the
poetic imagination, the myths and legends,
the arts and the similarities of each human to every other human.
Men, through a full awareness of the hidden mysteries,
the intuitions, the spirits and the artistic, subjective imaginations that are
integral to all humans, will come to a new awareness or our own identity, as
well as an enhanced and more complex and unique presence and being of the women
to whom we owe more than responsible respect.
For reference, let’s re-read Emily Bronte’s words
Often rebuked, yet always back
To those first feelings that were
born with me,
And leaving busy chase of wealth
and learning
For idle dreams of things that
cannot be:
Today I will seek not the shadowy
unsustaining vastness waxes
And visions rising, legion after
Bring the
unreal world too
Strangely near.
I’ll walk, but not in old heroic
And not in
paths of high
And not among the half-
distinguished faces,
The clouded
forms of long-past
I’ll walk where my own nature
would be leading:
It vexes me
to choose another
Where the gray flocks in ferny
glens are feeding;
Where the
wild wind blows on
the mountain side.
What have those lonely mountains
worth revealing?
More glory and
more grief than I
can tell:
The earth that wakes one human
heart to feeling
Can centre both the worlds of
Heaven and Hell
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