Reflections on a "weaponized" culture
So much talk these days about the manipulation of the
media by this U.S. president!
The anatomy of the dynamic goes like this: the
president rants (never mind on which platform!) and the media rushes and gushes
as if his every word was their latest and most important career nourishment
supplement, really a steroid to which they are addicted. Changing the channel,
changing the meme, shifting the klieg lights from whatever is the president’s
latest moral and ethical tragic and ever so public failure to the next “tweet”
has, through the complicity of the media, injected the same “steroid” into the
American soap-opera. And the reporters are partially responsible.
However, their executives, themselves addicted to the
latest Neilsen ratings as their “empirical measure” for determining their
industry advertising rates, the empirical measure for their investors’
dividends, and not incidentally, their own share portfolios and their chances
for promotion, transfer to another company, their access to venture capital
should they wish to strike out on their own (via podcast, for example). And
feeding this “food chain” of the media oligarchs, of course, is the president’s
complicity, nefarious and eminently strategized and tactically targetted rants.
Chris Hedges, among others, regularly rants about
corporate media collusion with the
corporate-political-military-pharmaceutical-fossil fuel-insurance-intelligence
However, while I do not disagree or defer from Hedges’ analysis, it is the underlying “sell-and-win” narcissistic culture, mind-set, propaganda, education system and “state of the union” in the U.S.. Too big for our modest human minds to integrate, assimilate and digest, this “mountain range” of information, now supplemented by both macro and meta-information, from both the “deep state” and the allegedly “public and political” state inevitably gets broken down into mini-bytes, like those Kellogg Mini-Wheats that have supplanted the old Shredded Wheats of our youth. Nano-second sound bytes of the latest gossip, career implosions, legal evidence of collusion, obstruction, groping, homophobia, racism, and other scraps of “political pornography” titillate millions, as it substitutes for and actually replaces legitimate discourse and debate of substantive and potentially lethal issues (global warming, nuclear missile development and deployment, mass incarceration, judicial wrongful convictions, gutting of public education, and corporate welfare as examples).
And instead of relegating such political pornography
to the tabloids, the media has morphed into their own versions of the tabloid
model. Joe Scarborough (MSNBC’s Morning Joe) articulately posits the
differences between the “ground noise” and the “signals” to which all military
generals have to pay attention. Trouble is, as he acknowledges, the media is
committing the ultimate failure to distinguish between the two, “my (Joe’s)
name at the top of the list of those media”!
Language, mere words, may finally be rising to the
heights of its merited public, survival significance….words frame each and
every one of our ideas, perspectives, opinions, ideologies, strategies,
tactics, alliances, enemies, (now “”frenemies in another of our ‘cute’ hybrid
addictions), and another “alternative facts” (courtesy of Kelly Anne Conway).
Depending on when and where the “words” are used, they
may have application from one field to another: for example, from quantum
physics to political culture.
In Quantum physics, Superposition is known to be the
uncertainty of a particle (or particles) being in several states at once, while
quantum Entanglement occurs when each possible state of two particles depend on
each other’s state. It would seem, at least to the feeble and somewhat
overwhelmed mind of this scribe, that a political “Quantum Entanglement” and “Quantum
Superposition” are playing themselves out on our television screens each and
every day.
Schrodinger’s Cat first came to public attention in
the news coverage of the Kawai Leonard period of “limbo” when he was considered
to be “staying” in the Toronto with the Raptors and “leaving” for greener pastures,
likely back in California. According to Wikipedia,
Schrodinger’s cat is a thought experiment sometimes
described as a paradox, devised by Austrian
physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1935….The scenario presents a
hypothetical cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known
as quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic
event that may or may not occur.
If we were to consider the Schrodinger’s cat experiment
(the cat is conceivably both dead and alive) to be one end of a continuum of
thought, and the absolute, concrete literalism to be the opposite end of this continuum,
political culture could hypothetically and imaginatively be “positioned” at
some likely moving point on the continuum. In his seminal work introducing the
Jesus Seminar, Robert W. Funk posits literalism as a significant impediment to
the seminar’s search and research for the historical Jesus. Funk writes these
“Literalism has created what Northrop Frye has termed
the “imaginative illiterate.” This product of the ascendancy of the empirical
sciences, who can understand things only literally, dominated both high and naïve
levels of culture. It doesn’t seem to matter that the literalist understands
the literal in different senses on different occasions. At times, the
literalist takes literal” to mean the descriptive, true-to-fact assertion; at
other times, he or she understands the “literal” to mean the conventional, what
everybody takes for granted. When used to mean what everybody takes for
granted, the “literal” sense may thus also include the nonliteral. For example,
everyone knowns that there are no real oats in “sowing wild oats,” and there is
neither iron nor curtain in “the iron curtain.” Yet these popular expressions
are understood to refer “literally” to youthful indiscretions and an
impenetrable political boundary….
The physical science and preoccupation with the literal
have nearly killed the imagination. That does not mean that I want to give up
my refrigerator and modern medicine, both of which owe their efficacy to the
sciences. But it does mean that refrigeration and surgery do not cover all the needs
of the mind and the spirit. There are some things that cooling and lancing will
not cure. The ability to perceive the nonliteral dimensions of our world is the
victim of our inclination to exchange a refreshed sense of the world for a mess
of technical pottage.” (Funk, Honest to Jesus, p.51-2)
Playing off the empirical/conventional dichotomy,
sliding seamlessly from what some consider true-to-fact to the convention, is a
technique the current occupant of the Oval office has mastered proficiently, to
his short-term headline-generating benefit, while at the same time,
energetically (and we presume deliberately and consciously) imposing a scorched
earth obliterating approach to the common set of facts to which we were all
previously in accord.
And the media, given its cultural belief that it
writes and speaks to an audience of “sixth-grade readers/listeners,” falls
imperceptible and tragically into the trap of conflating the conventional and the
factual. It also, invariably, couches its headlines in the most blatant
overused, cliché-ridden language of phrases like “sowing wild oats” or “the
iron curtain”.
Supporting a devolution to minimal literalism, the
legal profession too is drowning in the precise and limited/limiting definitions
of words, reinforced by case law based on the interpretations of those sitting
on the bench. “Hate speech” for example, is defined as speech that attacks a
person or group on the basis of protected attributes such as race, religion,
ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation or gender
identity. (Wikipedia)
And yet, everyone knows, deep and profoundly in his/her
gut, what constitutes offence, disdain, disrespect and alienation, without
having to resort to a legal definition. Insults, name-calling, verbal bullying
and taunting, the kind of verbiage that saturates social media (often even
leading to both successful and attempted suicides by victims) are a “norm” which
is forcefully and deliberately underscored, enhanced and vigorously disseminated
by the current occupant of the Oval office.
The conflation of the “factual” with the “conventional”
along with the etherization of the imagination leaves public discourse, the
street vernacular and the expectations of every young person observer reduced
to such a “trash” level, emblematic of a national culture devoid of even the
basic levels of education. It is not only a dynamic that robs the discourse of
its “table manners” and its “creativity” and its “nuance” and its minimal
expectation of compromise, healthy interaction, the search for a common “truth”
as well as for a common and unifying and uplifting “goal”.
Effectively, through a combined impact of the
conflation of “literal” and “conventional”, and the effective scorching of the
American (and other western countries’) individual and collective imagination,
it is not only the prospect of “weaponizing” of insects that disturbs. The
weaponizing of words, for the purpose of political and personal narcissistic ambition
and gain, in the extremely short term, is another impact of the endangered “species”
of imaginative, expansive, collaborative, co-operative and language and the
mind-set that provides the garden for such a language.
Transforming the political culture into a battlefield,
through the abusive, dangerous, lethal reduction of language into coded
bullets, in both naïve and ‘high’ levels of culture is an impediment, not only
for Jesus Seminar scholars, but also for anyone seeking to imagine, design and
grow a dream that focuses on the protection of human and all other flora and fauna
Literalism, combined with the military manufacturing
behemoth, the pharmaceutical vulture, the starving “egos” of political leaders
desperately clinging to power, not only imitates but also emulates the modus operandi,
the desperation and the determination of those identified by terrorist
organizations against which the “establishment” claims to be protecting us.
Linked to this cultural “ethos” of course, is the notion of the “binary” as a
cornerstone of public discourse, personal thought, digital devices and transactional
interactions. “For us or against us” as articulated
by George W. Bush immediately after 9-11, even if it had minimal relevance in
that moment, is not a state designed to sustain a family, a community, a nation
or a planet.
The words of Maya Angelou, as a poetic antidote for
this potentially lethal culture of “weaponization”, ring out this morning as a solo,
ubiquitous and lyrical melody struggling for an audience amidst this psychic and
political embattlement:
may shoot me with your words
may cut me with your eyes
may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still,
like air, I’ll rise.
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