Friday, July 27, 2018

Al Purdy on tv

surprised that an A-frame in Ameliasburgh
                                                  still stands
         after a half century serving as a fire-pit
sending sparks and shards of poetic flame
                                           over the lake
 and into the frozen bush
                            Purdy’s hearth welcomed
seasoned and sprouting emulators
                                 to his life-craft
and to his fridge
                         disheveled in a tweed suit
in front of the television camera,
                          hoping to meet
Adrienne Clarkson for coffee
                                       in the afterlife
discomfited by babies
                      father to two sons
in a public-private dichotomy
                          of full disclosure
and dark secrecy
                  kept alive by a foresighted wife
        and her land-purchases
                           with each award he received
         he nailed a single
shingle of wisdom into the leaky roof
                         of the minds of millions
with “all those people building skyscrapers and bombs
                           are wasting their lives”


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