"Turtling" is a choice...and it is NOT a responsible one!
was an ironic, sardonic joke back in the 70’s when a co-ed, co-editor of a high
school year book, shouted in the room designated for that purpose, “I am
surrounded by incompetence!” Liz pasted an ear-to-ear grin on her face, as the
others joined in her humour.
A half-century later, it seems, no matter whom you listen
to, or where you go, employers are having a very difficult time finding
“competence” and commitment and dependability, at least with new hires.
A significant segment of a generation of young people,
between 25 and 40 have erupted into the workforce, on a “me first” graduation
diploma. Whether that stems from sycophantic parenting, or even more
cheer-leading schooling, or a culture so obsessed with new purchases or some
combination of these and other factors, there is a sense of “entitlement” or
perhaps a sense of desperation….Have we looked carefully at the kind of world
we have painted, and built, for this next generation or two?
Defining epithets include:
everyone for himself,
everyone in competition with friends and
neighbours, crass materialism as the new brass ring for which everyone is
clambering and
entrepreneurialism as the halo that crowns
every “successful” career.
The business model, the corporate, the private sector
model, in which profits and investment dividends rule, has razed the perceived
value of the public good in what is effectively a scorched-earth approach,
virtually decimating a shared and balanced economy in which both public and
private sectors collaborate. Removing the notion of “public good” from the
consciousness of the culture has also removed it from the mind-set of each
student, parent, teacher and certainly all employers.
That is until we see an ambulance go past, carrying
another potentially dying person; or until we visit something called a library,
or a hockey arena (paid for with public funds) or a public hospital or a civic
park along a waterfront….when suddenly, what happens to public dollars and
public consciousness takes on a very different meaning. Then it suddenly
becomes an integral and highly welcome component in all of our lives. Yet, it
is primarily old folks who pay attention to such public aardvarks. And, more
and more private money is being solicited and more and creative measures to
“honour” benefactors to universities and hospitals…as governments fail to
collect those revenues to which they are entitled and also fail to monitor the
mountains of laundered money that is sloshing around in the underground
(Just this week, CBC reported that Canada Revenue
faces a shortfall of $44 BILLION in unpaid taxes, taxes which both individuals
and corporations have already agreed they owe. Unfortunately, under the Harper
government, staffing was cut, leaving the CRA understaffed, and these taxes
uncollected. Imagine what $44 billion would do to the national deficit and
debt. Also this week, CBC reported that the B.C. government has known since
2011 of the millions of dollars of laundered money that flows in and through
the casinos in that province, contributing significantly to the opioid crisis
in that province.)
Call all of this mere “water-cooler” talk, without any
chance of change in the near or medium-term future. And wonder, just how do
these public omissions of responsibility contribute to the “me-first” attitude
of many?
Negligence, insouciance, detachment, “living in a
bubble”….these are all attitudes that prevail in the culture….Failures to bring
“truth to power,” for example, has resulted in such a massive and tragic
debacle in the payment of federal publicly servants, under the Phoenix pay
system. The Auditor General has laid much of the responsibility for this failure,
seriously impacting the private lives of thousands, through no pay, inaccurate
pay and over-pay for more than two years, at the feet of civil servants who
knew the system would not work, but refused to bring that “truth” to their
superiors. The cost to human lives and families is exorbitant; and the cost to
the public purse is also unconscionable given the conscious awareness that
could and should have prevented the debacle.
So, there is not only a “me-first” rush to the front
of the line, but also a “turtling” from speaking up and risking exposure as a
whistle-blower if the public/private power structure needs correction, or even
prevention of its own self-sabotage. “None of my business” has become another
mantra of this culture, in which if and when there happens to be an incipient
conflict in the workplace, everyone near runs from whichever “person” seems to
be the most worthy target of the venom of avoidance.
You see, bullying is and
must not be restricted to “overt” negative actions like threatening, exposure
on social media or actual physical or verbal confrontation; alienation,
ostracizing and dismissal also qualifies as bullying, only in these cases, it
has complete impunity for its perpetrator. “That’s their business,” is the
escape valve excuse most people hide behind, and so management, especially
middle management, effectively eunuchs itself into the servitude of silence,
withdrawal and escapism. By that “turtling” middle managers avoid the risk of
making a bad judgement, a judgement that might be questioned. And of course,
that fosters and enables the heinous and totally ineffectual “zero tolerance”
policy so preferred by perfectionist leaders, seeking to burnish their public
image, in the short term, without taking full account of the long-term
implications of the policy. It cannot, must not work, and it eviscerates the
need for human judgement on the part of those in leadership positions of
responsibility and accountability.
“We” are telling our young people things that, if we
were fully confronted with ourselves, we would be ashamed, embarrassed and
depressed to listen to. It used to be that forbidden topics were “religion and
party politics.” Now, forbidden topics are anything that smacks of
“whistle-blowing” or addressing authentic issues in ways that bring people to a
local table to talk frankly, openly and courageously to resolve them.
Now, too
often it seems we turn those functions over to an “outside” consulting company,
under the hypocritical banner of “objectivity” and distance and detachment.
Whatever decision is rendered by such a “referee” does not cling to his or her
neck, for the simple reason that they do not “live and work” in the workplace.
Complaints about the decision, usually without an appeal process or if there is
one it is hardly worth the time and effort to mount, rumble around that
proverbial water cooler, and then die. Meanwhile, the “management class” has
pre-emptively eliminated any stain on their resume and reputation…when it may
well have been their failure to mediate that in part caused the issue in the
first place.
So this “CYA” and “don’t get me involved” and “that’s
none of my business” and “that’s YOUR business” and “I’m not having anything to
do with this raging bullying conflict that has been going on for decades”….kind
of attitude prevails. And young people are neither stupid nor uninformed. They
know that gutlessness prevails among people with management titles; so too do
the very people in those offices!
And that model, the self-eunuched leader (how is that for an oxymoron?), less visible
on the public radar screen, “instructs” young people. Young people do see
athletic and television “stars” as role models in some cases; however, they
also see what passes as “acceptable” and normative at the grass roots wherever
they live. And what they are witnessing is a deplorable and avoidable vacuum of
Former Vermont Governor, Dr. Howard Dean, used to
complain that the Democratic Party has “lost its spine” in failing to mount
effective opposition to Republican chicanery and obstructionism in Congress.
The “disease” is not only evident among his party; it is also fully evident in
most bureaucracies, sycophancies really, in servitude to their current “head”
on the surface and in the short term, and long-term, their own careers and
And, in that scenario, competence is hardly high on
the list of “values” preferred in public leaders: so long as aspirants for
public office serve a menu of “fast-food” policies that serve the immediate
narcissistic needs of the voter, they are likely to be successful: witness the
last presidential election in the United States. If I were a young university
graduate entering the workforce soon, I would be appalled at the “games people
play” to seek and secure favour in order to get that first job and later to
move up the ladder. It is not that any of the “players” (leaders or hires) are
unconscious about how they are operating; in fact they know full well that they
are primarily, if not exclusively, tendering to their own career, professional,
resume padding needs, and the needs of the organization, (their most direct
public) matter not a wit…leaving those matters to the “imbeciles” in the corner
Top and bottom, it seems we have a public culture that
is imploding in short-term vision, self-serving, and insouciant and quite
literally irresponsible about the long-term implications of our attitudes,
perceptions and that oxymoron, “values”.
We are debasing our planet, including our rivers, our
land, and our “public air. And we are also demonstrating a degree of contempt
for all things living, as we are in a headlong, headstrong race to the
“black-Friday WalMart Sale” to the bottom, every day in every way.
Sad! And unlikely to change any time soon.
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