Glimpsing Chomsky’s kaleidoscopic exposure of American ‘foreign policy’
we choose to fight is so tiny!
fights with us is so great!
only we would let ourselves be dominated
things do by some immense storm,
would become strong too, and not need names.
we win it’s with small things,
the triumph itself makes us small.
is extraordinary and eternal
want to be bent by us.
(From The Man Watching, Rainer Maria Rilke,
Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart, p. 298)
There is a real danger that the contemporary world,
especially the people of the United States could fall into the trap of thinking
that the world has been brought to the brink of war solely by the current
occupant of the Oval Office.
Bellicose rhetoric, lies, character assassination, and
a general deportment of bravado and blaming may characterize the current
president’s record. And yet, the country’s resort to an attitude of dominance,
superiority, and a determination to use each situation as another step on the
predictable and determined path of sustaining that dominance certainly did not
start with the election of 2016.
Writing in the New Republic in 1977, Hans Morganthau
points out, “the concentrations of private power which have actually governed
America since the Civil War have withstood all attempts to control, let alone
dissolve them (and) have preserved their hold upon the levers of political
decision.” (Noam Chomsky, Foreign Policy and the Intelligentsia, The Essential
Chomsky, p.166) “Private power” is a direct reference to the hold on public
decision-making by those with the money, the status and the concomitant “power”
to call the shots in a manner that serves their private interests.
Chomsky then proceeds to document the attitudes and
vision of the Council on Foreign Relations’ War and Peace Project in the early
1940’s. Proposing a “Grand Area” dominated by the U.S. One paper reads, (The United States) must cultivate a mental
view toward world settlement after this war which will enable us to impose our
own terms, amounting perhaps to a pax-Americana. Also, in 1944, the State Department espouses (and exposes)
the view and guiding principle of equal access to oil for American companies,
but not others (Ibid, p. 171)
And then there is the question of the persistent
resort to military power in the pursuit of
the national interest, successfully in World War II and shortly
thereafter in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada and then Iraq and Afghanistan. Naturally,
there has been a ‘moral purpose’ to all conflicts, as if the nation were the
agent of some deity, pursuing peace, justice, (and dominance) if and when any
perceived provocation triggered its paranoia and the pursuit of its world
dominance. Couching military actions under such evaluations as “stupid and
accidental” when losses are incurred, without paying adequate attention to the
savagery that was really going on, is just another way for the ‘establishment’
to preserve their hold on power by seducing the media and the public into
support for their exaggerated and even lawless actions.
report from the USAF (United States Air Force) details a series of targeted
strikes in May 1953 at some twenty irrigation dams that furnished 75% of the
water supply for North Korea’s rice production while wiping out supply lines to
the North’s front lines. The report continues: The Westerner can little
conceive the awesome meaning which the loss of this staple food commodity has
for the Asian—starvation and slow death. ‘Rice famine,’for centuries the
chronic scourge of the Orient, is more feared than the deadliest plague. Hence
the show of rage, the flare of violent tempers, and the avowed threats of
reprisals when bombs fell on five irrigation dams.” (Chomsky,
Ibid, p. 185-86)
Does anyone think or believe that the current regime
in North Korea is unfamiliar with this story, and others like it?
And it is not only the inhumane actions of the U.S.
that need light shed into their dark corners. It is also the contravention of
international rules, like Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. (Of course,
the UN has throughout its history been regarded as an arm of United States
foreign policy, by the Americans.) Article 51 assumes that the U.S. is engaged
in collective self-defense against an armed attack from North Vietnam. However,
the facts were discovered to be very different from the original estimate of
danger. Quoting Chester Cooper, from The Lost Crusade, Chomsky (p. 127) writes:
Cutting through
the “propaganda,” Chomsky notes: The single North Vietnamese battalion of 400
to 500 men was tentatively identified in late April. (Ibid)
And then there are the well-documented instances of
bombing the Vietnamese with “agent orange,” a killer weapon if ever there was
one, perhaps a prelude to the Weapons of Mass Destruction of which must was
made in the run-up to the Iraq invasion of 2003.
Oh, Iraq you say, just another case of a sophisticated campaign of misinformation,
misleading both the American public and the world’s public interest, into
another military conflict, based on tenuous claims at best, and at worst,
outright lies? Well, yes, and yet, the pattern persists of exaggerating the
danger, for the purpose of “imposing a dominant and irrepressible and
insatiable political will on perceived enemies, in the name of doing good, persists
into this century, without either abatement or the kind of restraint for which
Obama was excoriated for “leading from behind”.
The establishment, in its self-righteous pursuit of
its own self-interest, armed with the power of the bomb, the drones, the chemical
labs and the Congress, not to mention the sycophant media, and the silent and
thereby compliant-by-default intellectual community, rides roughshod over all
“other” “extraneous” interests, like the public will and public interest, in
the pursuit of ‘national goals’ that are really the needs of the corporatist
state: power, profit, control, dominance.
Especially now, with the fall of the Soviet Union, and
only the beginning of the rise of China and India, the United States is in the
unenviable position of the only world super power, a status that evokes, among
Americans, strong arguments for enhancing the hard power, the nation’s economic
might and the retrenchment from from global interests and issues. And yet,
parochialism, provincialism, deceptions, lies and savagery of both word and
deed... all of it is based on a deep and profound residue of paranoia. This
paranoia is based first of all on an incipient revolutionary act of a few
thousand troops, supplemented copiously by French troops, and then on a deep
and profound need to maintain superior status and power inside the country by
the elite, followed by a global vision of dominance, in economics and only
secondarily in politics, and the obsessive-compulsive clinging onto the elite
legacy by succeeding generations.
Proud of its exceptionalism, without paying attention
to the underside of that “papier-mâché” maturity of self-contentment and
well-being, the United States is in danger of being hoisted on its own petard.
And while trump may be the current actor on the American stage, he inherits a
long legacy of intemperate, indecent, savage, lawless and destructive ‘norms’
that have been permitted, enhanced and aggrandized both by overt actions and
policies, and by the inert blindness of denial and a refusal to invoke a
“reality check” on national attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.
Ostracising voices “crying in the wilderness” like
Noam Chomsky, and others who, like him, refuse to be silenced, or to be
excommunicated from the national and the international debate, however, will
never keep the truth from poking its sometimes ugly head through the asphalt of
national hubris. It is not surprising that thinkers and writers like Chomsky
are frequently invited to address public issues by the media and academia in
countries other than the United States but rarely if even by those sectors of
American political culture.
Apparently, the old axiom that one cannot be a prophet
in one’s own town, or nation still holds firm.
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