Is the U.S. suffering a collosal breakdown? Methinks yes!
Let’s get away from micro-news stories and start to
look at the big picture where various forms, flavours, sauces and condiments
are all infected with cultural violence in the United States.
Violence against minorities, against the legal investigations of the FBI, the Special Prosecutor, and apparently even the Senate, against civil discourse, against truth-telling, against accountability, against public access to affordable health care, against the national interest, against collaboration with NATO, against the planet's eco-system, against the mainstream media, against transgender, against an equitable tax code, against moral values and against even hope.....they are all redolent across the American homeland!
There is no moral equivalency to the blame to “all
sides” that has been attached to the Charlottsville VA Saturday violence, one
week ago. White Supremacists, Fascists, anti-semites …of them allegedly
protesting the removal of the Robert E. Lee equestrian statue, cannot and must
not be compared equally with the “Antifa” (Anti-fascist) movement that showed
up to oppose the racist fascists.
However, there is another equally volatile debate
emerging on the ‘left’ including the “Antifa” (anti-fascist) extremists and the Southern Poverty Law
Centre. The handbook of the former argues that words have not and will not
defeat fascism, that violence is and will be required. On the other hand, the
SPLC argues that violence begets only more violence. They advocate non-violent
Violence, as a political instrument, versus
non-violent protest, the legacy of Dr..Martin Luther King (and Ghandi, and
others)….this argument percolates anew if and when ordinary people are aroused
by the culmination of conditions they consider unacceptable. The underlying
archetypes are war and peace. And when starkly put, the public consciousness
predictably votes for peace. At the same time, ironically, the war machine is
injected with millions of dollars, “so that a strong military is needed to
mount a strong deterrence to war”. (so goes the argument for the most massive
military build-up in history.
And it is not only a massive military arsenal that has
gobbled the preponderance of the American national budget allocations. It is a
culture steeped in violence and military applications to almost every single
one of life’s primary steps, rationalized as merely in service to the
capitalist, for profit, corporatist culture. Militarizing video games,
militarizing political discourse, militarizing social media, militarizing
judicial appointments (all nominees having to be vetted by the Federalist
Society), militarizing school yards and MBA training..militarizing neighbourhoods
with private guns….militarizing organizations like hospitals and schools….while
legitimizing “order” for its own sake, will inevitably generate a culture of
Manichean black/white options. Similarly, telling kids at summer camp, in
morning and evening chants, “I am a winner” posits the opposite (loser) for
those who are not part of the group.
Hegel posits “thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis”….as
his approach to philosophy. Thinking is not and can never be satisfied with
only two options, no matter how ubiquitous binary math undergirds the new
technology. Sealing public discourse and debate into an “either/or” casket can
and will produce only what Chuck Todd (Meet the Press host, NBC) calls a “stuck
place”. Public support will accrue, in most civil societies, to those proposing
non-violent protest, giving them the ‘high ground’ morally. And history gives
us numerous examples of the devastation resulting from violence, both military
and civilian, creating the “low”moral ground position for those espousing
violence. Taking “sides”, a pretense to which the media would have all talking
heads subscribe, usually generates more heat than light. Similarly, street
protests that pontificate “white supremacy” versus anti-fascism, also
inevitably will generate violence, and perhaps even murder as it did a week ago
in Virginia.
trump has magnetized the votes of very angry,
disillusioned and impatient mostly white voters, including David Duke, the
former chief of the Ku Klux Kkan, in spite of Trump’s disavowal of even knowing
him. He has also declared a kind of “political war” on the mainstream media,
the Washington establishment, most if not all minorities (Muslims, Blacks,
Latinos) and spectacularly spared Jews. (One of the white supremacists from
Charlottsville, when interviewed by Vice TV, video replayed on NBC’s Meet the
Press, said his group was furthering the ideas of Trump, and looking for a
spokesperson like him, but one ‘who did not give his daughter to a Jew”.)
We are living on a precipice that evokes memories of
the 1930’s when National Socialism, including racial contempt for Jews and
other non-whites stomped across Europe. In Virginia, it is lawful to carry a
loaded gun on the street, another of the many pieces of evidence that
demonstrate the successful lobbying/seduction by the NRA of a majority of
members of Congress, at least of Republicans in both houses. Terrorism, whether
home-grown or the result of international radicalization, and whether based on
white supremacy or radical Islam, has destabilized the sense of security and
stability that previously prevailed in most North American towns and cities,
and public institutions have been less successful in taming these beasts.
Racial animus, compounded by religious fanaticism, co-incident with outsourcing
millions of honourable jobs, the demise of the labour movement, and the
resulting hopelessness makes a highly volatile ethos, and like a funeral pyre
of dried and brittle wood, the ethos is a potential political and perhaps even
violent inferno.
Attempting to inject rational arguments, for
non-violence, for moderation and for a cooling-off period seem somewhat wistful
and Disney-esque. Dante’s Inferno seems more appropriate as an analogy. And
there has to be a mountain of both shock and surprise from many that this
cauldron is boiling in a country of the most wealthy, and one of the best
educated and historically one of the most healthy populations in the world. To
say there is a class war merely scratches the surface of the toxic cancerous
tumours that inhabit the body politic. Class, race, religion, and even gender
(Sebastian Gorka, another incongruous White House freeloader, exclaimed on
television that the “pyjama boys have been replaced by the alpha men”). Bannon,
upon leaving his perch in the Oval Office declared that he was declaring ‘war’
on all globalists…..and Breitbart, his “weapon” is a strident and
hate-mongering organ of white supremacy.
So violence, in words, in bullets, in attitudes and in
expectations and even in beliefs, stalks the land…..creating a shadow of
ominous fear that cannot be restricted to the 100 km width of the band of
darkness generated by yesterday’s eclipse.
Congressman John Lewis was clubbed over the head when he
marched as a young man with Dr. King, by police who were determined to keep the
black population “in their place”…out of the voting booth, out of the
restaurants, out of the city hall and government jobs and essentially out of
sight and out of mind. He fully thought he was going to die. Nevertheless, he
has persisted, in his shared conviction with Dr. King and others like Andrew
Young, that non-violence was to better path.
The fact that a Dartmouth professor has authored a
handbook for the Antifa movement, advocating violence makes one wonder how he
retains his tenure at that illustrious college. Perhaps, under the protection
of the First Amendment, in support of FREE SPEECH, he is unable to be
dislodged. However, the American culture and political culture has to accept
the need for limits to the free speech protection, and if they are unable or
unwilling to curb its use, the country could easily slip into another epidemic
of civic violence. Just yesterday, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
announced it will no longer defend those who use weapons to protest their
cause. Surely, it is long past time to put limits on the First Amendment, the
right to carry and show guns, and the legalization of high powered rifles
designed specifically for killing in war.
The world is watching. And while dumping trump will
begin a very long process to civility, it will take a series of radical
surgeries to eviscerate the tumours that are growing hourly on every organ of
the United States body politic. And then “political chemo and radiation” will
be required to put the disease into remission.
Trump, as has been stated so often, is a large symptom
of a disease. But the disease has already metastasized far beyond the Oval
There is an obvious cultural fixation on the literal
meaning of words, on the physical
solutions to all problems, a kind of infantilism of both options and
imagination, and a over-reaching oligarchy that has rushed into the
intellectual, and political and economic vacuum.
The top 1% (or less) have already so consumed the
levers of power, including voting power, fundraising power, media power,
university training (job skills while sacrificing the liberal education that
demands nuanced, and careful argumentation) and the debasing of the arts, culture,
nuanced imagination and dialogue…and this in addition to the already complete
control of the economic levers.
A kind of “soft coup” has already taken place, in a
country that prides itself as the recipient of the Greek ideal of democracy, in
its 21st century incarnation. That, too, folks, is just another of
the myriad of lies, deceptions, illusions, and theatrical ruses that have been
inflicted on an unsuspecting, parochial, provincial, despondent and limp public
so consumed with many pain-killers, opiods and illicit drugs that even the
mountainous DEA cannot keep up with this symptom of the disease.
It is not that Trump could kill someone on Fifth
Avenue without suffering a political blow-back; it is more that the country has
spiralled into a paroxysm of what in lay language could be termed a massive
“breakdown”…..and it really does not know the full extent of the illness, nor
the potential pathways back to civic and national health.
To argue for or against the use of violence to
confront the fascists is merely to focus on the symptoms of the disease. And
violence merely gives expression to the national illness. And there are so many
expressive symptoms: drugs, neighbourhood shootings, police brutality,
corporate rip-offs, political pimping for all elected politicians,
isolationism, militarism, bullying, racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and above
all, deception, lies, salesmanship and the enmeshment of the national shadow
and the ego…indicating that the “show” has replaced the “reality” and the
‘truth”…. Violence, aided and abetted by the current occupant of the Oval
Office (to serve the vestiges of his miniscule ego) abounds, and proliferates
across the land. Fear of being “tweeted” by the White House is not and must not
become an impediment to confronting trump by those serving the republic as
elected officials. They have all taken an oath to protect and to defend the
constitution. When are they going to be held to their oath? And by whom?
Can the republic, currently on life support, regain full consciousness, come to its senses and throw off and out all of its nightmare demons?
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