Reflections on Chris Hedges' column, "The Reign of the Idiots" from
Chris Hedges, in his column in, calls
trump the “king of the idiots”….lumping the “leadership” in all circles
including academic, journalistic, political, corporate and of course
entertainment as blindly and hubristically head-in-the-sand self-indulgently
fomenting and then championing a death spiral of American civilization.
For Hedges, the
rest of us, pawns in their chess game, blindly oblige, follow and even bow to
their wealth, status and esteem, all of it unwarranted, unearned and mis-appropriated.
And as arresting as his writing, and point of view are, there is a danger that,
being so far out in front, it could conceivably shift the balance from
opposition to the juggernaut, to throwing up arms in hopelessness and despair,
and completely surrendering. Of course, Hedges is not the only voice crying in
the wilderness of the trump blitzkrieg. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and
the occasional whimper from Obama staffers, Susan Rice, and Robert Reich from
the Clinton cabinet, in voices much more discreet and mellow and, it might
seem, a little too embedded in the problem to help us extricate us from its
Hedges, on the other hand, espouses a much more
radical response to the current disaster. Operating in the “prophetic” voice,
borrowed by many from the prophets in the Old Testament, predicting gloom and
ultimate disaster, Hedges is a twentieth-century Jeremiah* in a time and place
where his kind of shrill sound is considered catastrophizing and apocalyptic,
when such language and dire warnings fall on deaf ears.
This past Saturday night in Harrisburg PA, trump held
another ‘campaign’ rally, nothing more than another de Mille ego-tripping
extravaganza, and yesterday he announced that he would spend some $1.2 million
on an advertising campaign to trumpet his accomplishments. (Remember, he has
already filed his nomination papers for the 2020 presidential election, so he
has personally declared that the country is now in a permanent “campaign”
mode.) At Saturday’s event, thousands of cheering enthusiasts raucously
re-endorsed this political pariah, joining what amounts to a
rock-concert-type-fawning of the sycophants.
We expect such behaviour and attitudes from the
pre-teens who flock to their concerts. For generations, teens have ‘found’
their respective entertainment idols, without doing much harm to themselves or
their country. Yet this is very different!
Hedges' “king of the idiots” is dependent on his own
kind for their shared idolizing of cash portending that anything and everything
“can” be bought and will be bought, including the fawning deaf and blind ‘idiots’
who voted for him….not literally of course, but certainly blind and deaf to the
dangers we all face, and the collective failure/refusal/avoidance/denial to do
anything about confronting them.
Edmund Burke’s quote, ‘power corrupts, and absolute
power corrupts absolutely,’ along with ‘power is the universal aphrodisiac’ and
many other warning aphorisms notwithstanding, for many moderates, we never
really expected to have to confront such an obvious abuse of the office of the
President, when such abuse is not merely offensive but highly dangerous to
every person on the planet.
Idiots, in the legal application of the word, are
incapable of committing a crime, given their mental incapacity. So, from this
perspective, trump does not qualify However, in the vernacular, idiots
encompasses a very broad and deep range of people, for Hedges, to whom the
levers of leadership have been given….whether by votes, or through some kind of
competitive gamesmanship, impressive scholarship or perhaps sheer good luck and
good fortune.
There is another dimension to this perspective that
the idiots are in charge. And that is that other idiots are given both moral
support and ‘cover’ for their acts of verbal and physical and emotional
violence, including a depleted lack of civility, respect and common courtesy.
The blind eye that they collectively and individually turn to science, both
environmental and that evidence that supports the many social policies and
funding practices that include Planned Parenthood, Green Stamps, school meals,
arts and music in schools and the scientific evidence that demonstrates the
significant contribution to the American economy by both documented and
undocumented immigrants.
And the ‘other idiots’ have not been elected, nor
appointed to positions of leadership, except in their thug world. Of course,
this sounds reminiscent of a class war….and it is. Those who voted for, funded
and continue to support trump, including especially the Republican members of
both the House and the Senate who have had a spine removal, a tongue or larynx
removal, or worse, a brain-deadening drug of unknown chemical equation. Their
“investigations” into the Russian election manipulation, Flynngate including
the wanton irresponsibility of the vetting conducted by the White House, their
turning a blind eye to the question of the relevance and application of the
“emoluments” clause that forbids a president to profit from the office…all of these
are limp, like barely perceptible water colours on a water-scarred canvas. The
canvas has already been so tarnished that any colours added by intent and
design comprise merely the “empty spaces”.
And it is the empty spaces in both the degree of
pursuit and the intensity of accepting accountability that are continuing to
plague the essential process of bringing to bear all the force of custom,
tradition and the constitution itself that is so blatantly missing.
Will those town-halls give way to the removal of all
Washington insiders who support trump come 2018 and the next congressional
And yet, perhaps this hope is far too lame.
As hard as it is for some of us join Hedges “at the
weeping wall” of Jeremiah, it is nevertheless incumbent on all of us to
consider what price we are will to pay to bring the trump era to an early
close. Clearly the price of not bringing the trump presidency to an early close
will be very high:
· Drilling
in national parks and oceans heretofore off limits, dangerously rising levels of carbon emissions,
· another
spike in the wealth of the 1% at the expense of the “pawns”,
· the
brinkmanship of international conflict as a daily, weekly and interminable
· an
emasculated media,
· the
privatizing of the public school system through publicly funded vouchers,
· the
over-turning of Roe v. Wade
· the
filling of at least two more Supreme Court vacancies with Gorsuch/Scalia clones
And that’s only a
northern observer’s minimal take on the damages, without even considering the
trade wars and the lost jobs, the broken alliances, and the re-setting of the
international table with personally designed deals that profit the “deal-maker
Are these potential
losses, and their concomitant dangers worth taking to the streets to protest?
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