Reflections on the "light" of truth-telling in a climate of the darkness of lies
There is beauty in truth even if it’s painful. Those
who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the
ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They
don’t teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they
develop one’s character, one’s mind, one’s heart or one’s soul. (Jose. N. Harris)
Once while writing an examination as part of a hiring
process for a large insurance company, I encountered the question “Have you
ever lied?” with only a “yes” or “no” response permitted. Under pressure of
whatever...time, a foreign country, a profound insecurity about what I was even
doing there, and able to “see” that it was not my practice to lie, I answered
“no”…and never heard from the insurance company again.
The most dangerous kind of liar is the person who lies
to him or herself. The rest only lie to others. I am glad the insurance company
wanted nothing to do with me, not because of my answer, but because I could
never have accepted the required set of perceptions/beliefs/”values” and
practices that drive large corporations to generate profits. By playing on
fears (mostly unreasonable fears) and manipulating their clients and their
prospective clients into a transaction involving the acquisition of a product
or service that, by itself, is smaller than portrayed in the offer, and whose
need it meets is likely smaller than envisioned by the client. Often, even, the
corners(tone) of integrity that sustain any “trusty” building have been so “rounded”
that the building’s integrity is now suspect.
In the seemingly more important attention paid to the
immediate “need” (protecting one’s reputation, distracting an accuser,
impressing an authority figure, avoiding a charge/conviction, or simply needing
to demonstrate power) we have all dissembled, told only a half-truth, or
rationalized our way out of having to confront the bald, bold, and often
unpleasant, or perhaps unbearable truth. Even professionals, like medical
doctors, have to make ethical and moral judgements about how much truth to
tell….another variation on the premise of telling the truth. “Do we tell this
patient that he has only a week to live?” could be a question that easily
passes from one physician to another, given their respective “read” of the
evidence in the diagnosis. And the question becomes even more murky if the time
left to live is more indeterminate. (There is evidence that, in the not so
distant past, doctors learned that the “raw” truth often resulted in shortened
life spans, so they have had to reconsider that approach.)
I once listened as a
friend unloaded on his family doctor who told him he would not survive the
pancreatic cancer that had invaded his body, as he insisted, “I am going to
beat this thing, John, regardless of what Howie told me!” Knowing the “Howie”
of whom he spoke, (also my family doctor), I suddenly felt deep empathy and
compassion for both men, the doctor who was authentically carrying out his
professional, ethical and moral responsibilities, and my friend, for the
prospect he faced, without real hope of surviving.
Another story: a former friend is hospitalized for
what the psychiatrist has diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder, and for
which he has prescribed medications for depression, anxiety. Not fully knowing
about the range of treatments for the disorder, I ask, innocently, “Are there
any other ways for you to be treated?” (always seeking alternatives to
pharmaceutical remedies, if feasible and available, and in this instance,
wondering about increased exposure to “light” even enhanced electric light). My hat was sitting on the bed, where
the patient was seated, leaning on his “table” as we talked. He turned his head
toward my hat, and without uttering a word at first, punched the hat with an
intensity that shocked me, as he exclaimed, “Damn! You can see right through
me!” completely confused, I returned home to find a phone message from his then
spouse with these words, “Don’t you ever visit or speak to “X” again!” It was
months later that I learned the ‘friend’ was deeply experiencing a profoundly
troubling experience, as he struggled with his sexual orientation. He only
later “came out” and I discerned that he was not being “treated” for SAD, but
rather for the emotional turbulence of reconciling with a new awareness of an
authentic gay sexuality. Did he “lie” to the psychiatrist? Did he misrepresent
the truth to his then spouse?
These questions do not permit easy and glib answers.
They are part of a human dynamic that finds each of us, at various times,
struggling with the “truth” and how to cope with its implications.
Growing up in a family in which physical and emotional
abuse were a regular occurrence, I knew, without doubt, that the “family truth”
must never escape my lips, and it never did. However, concealing the truth must
also be considered when one reflects on “lying” given the kind of protective
covering family loyalty too often demands. And yet, were I to have disclosed
the fullness of the truth, the only remedy would have been the social agencies,
and I would probably have been removed and placed in a foster home, separating
me from the other parent whose support I needed. Keeping the truth hidden,
along with the details that were buried in that “attic trunk,” nevertheless,
required the kind of unpacking that most adults of dysfunctional homes have to
go through. So when is the truth fully revealed and when are we fully capable
of comprehending its implications, as gift, not merely as dark pain?
We are witnessing a series of political sequels, in
the current American political landscape, saturated, it would seem, by lies,
cover-ups and dissemblings, along with the required “lawyering” of statements
to protect the “innocent” whose “guilt” must be protected until it is finally
proven. And, naturally, in a country where laws fill tombs and memory sticks,
every moment in which a public figure fails to disclose the whole truth and
nothing but the truth has become justification for firing. Engraved in the
North American memory are the image of Bill Clinton, telling the world, ‘I did
not have sex with that woman, Monika Lewinsky!” only to subsequently face
impeachment. General Mike Flynn is no longer the Head of National Security for
failing the “truth” test in his testimony that he spoke to no Russians.
Currently, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions is facing rising pressure for his
failure (refusal/resorting to lying?) to disclose his conversations with the
Russian Ambassador in the midst of the recent presidential campaign. Today, we
learn that Jared Kushner also had conversations in Trump tower with that same
Russian Ambassador to the United States, in mid-campaign.
This series of stonewalls, lies(?) is certainly not
the first to be visited upon an
electorate. Yet, there is a kind of toxicity that is barnacled to this
drama, now being viewed by the whole world. As one observer put it to me today,
“If Trump were the president of Bolivia, we would be laughing at him! However,
he is the President of the United States and we cannot laugh!”
Underlying the distrust more and more people are
experiencing about the American administration is the proclivity to lie. And
there is no end in sight!
Overlaying the garden of specific lies, omissions,
cover-ups and distractions are statements about the “honesty” of his “people”
by the president. Words like “witch
hunt”* and ad hominums like “hypocrite” (Schumer) and “lying” Pelosi,
just like “crooked” Hillary, amount to little more than “vengeful jabs, hollow
and vacuous as mere ‘shock-and-awe’ World Wide Wrestling phantom ‘slams’ to the
mat of the opponent.
Simultaneously, while Trump beats his character
assassination ‘drum’ (against his opponents), the news media feeds up a litany
of specific omission, lies, distortions by the “trump team” in a counterpoint
of both style and content. So while Trump himself is not being directly accused
of lying, the narrow and strict purportedly objective reporting of “lies” could
and may well get lost in the fog of Trump’s percussion. defines “lie” this way:
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
And just as each of us as individuals struggles with the tension that
inevitably accompanies our encounters between full disclosure and protecting
our privacy, (telling the truth does not mean telling the whole truth always to
everyone), so too do large organizations. Recently, we learned of corporate
malfeasance that demands exposure, distribution and reflection.
KPMG, the global accounting firm, peddled tax evasion schemes to wealthy
clients, through an method that moved large sums of cash “as a gift” to
offshore bank accounts on the Isle of Mann, where tax would not be paid, and
where interest without being taxed could and would accrue. The plan also
promised the return of those funds, also as “gifts” and therefore not taxable
to the owner at some future date. The Canadian Revenue Agency would neither
discover nor prosecute the participants who paid the required “administrative”
fee of $100,000 for each account. So there is the obvious “lie” to CRA about
the end-run around the tax laws. And then there is also a secondary “lie” about
the percentage claimed by KPMG on each account, while publicly declaring no
such ‘creaming’ was taken.
As for the public interest, there is another layer of concern, focusing
on the Finance Committee of the House of Commons which investigated the
accounting firm and let pass an “arrangement” of no penalties or interest
between the participants and CRA, using a “current law case” as the cover for
their refusal to refer the matter to the RCMP for investigation and possible
If we critically examine the public behaviour of corporations, like the
tobacco companies, each of which knew for decades that their products were
killing users, while they denied any responsibility, we find corporate lying
abounds to protect both the executives and the share holders, at the expense of
the customers. Takata, the air-bag manufacturer, knew for years that their
devices were potentially lethal, without either admitting wrong or cleaning up
their mess, while drivers and passengers were being killer. Volkswagen, too,
lied to emissions testers, by inserting software that covered up the true level
of toxic emissions from the diesel vehicles during emission testing. Recent
disclosure implicates the car manufacturers Toyota, Honda, Nissan and others,
who allegedly also “knew” of the defective air-bags when they installed them
into their respective vehicles.
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, contracted by avid golfers, encountering
herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers and the like on golf courses, in an obsessive
attempt to meet the unrealistic expectations of golfers who demand pristine
fairways and greens, free of dandelions, is another under-reported tragedy.
When the political class banned these substances from neighbourhoods, in a
co-dependent obsequious bow to the corporates, they exempted golf courses.
Ironically, in Scotland, where the game was invented, all forms of weeds, and
other growths, were an integral component to the golf courses, including the
venerable St. Andrews.
Most of the regulatory and monitoring schemes currently in place, in
food, in autos, in professional services, and in all manner of human encounters
emerge from some incidents in which someone, or some group, or some government
(individual or department) failed to comply with basic common sense, or in more
complex situations, with policies and practices that required compliance. While
the comedy writers/actors/producers glean their material from the bizarre
incidents in human lives, (and we all have lived out our share of those mis-steps!),
frequently, those mis-steps are soil for legal and sometimes criminal cases.
In grade school, “he started it” will often be the first words out of
the mouth of a school-yard combatant, when an authority figure steps in to
break up a fight. And his “defence” will be immediately rejoined with “no, he
hit me first” from the opponent. In adult lives, the “he-said-she-said”
argument seems unlikely to be resolved, given that admission of truth is a sure
and certain path to “proven guilt” without the ‘other’ paying any price.
Parents who find their credit card missing from a wallet or purse, when they
confront the “suspect” will often hear some slim and slippery excuse offered up
as “need” when the intestinal fortitude required to “ask” for the money is
And it is not only among the young that dissembling occurs. Plagarism,
the borrowing of the words/ideas/theories of another, without attribution, has
taken the careers of significant journalists, educators and historians, one of
the more prominent was the American highly respected historian, Doris Kearns
Goodwin, who admitted to a failure to footnote her sources as a sloppy
oversight, upon discovery.
And then there is the question of professional “ethics” that compels
participating individuals to refrain from public criticism of colleagues whose
work is below acceptable standards. Is such silence another form of lying, if,
in the public interest, the performance of some is relegated to the trash-heap
of “silence” in order to support the prevailing ethic of “protection”. In these
cases, the public reputation of the “professional group” is considered to be a
higher social value than the full disclosure of what could well be
unprofessional behaviour. Recently, the matter of conferring “consent” by an
intoxicated woman in two sexual assault cases has created headlines, given the
lack of clarity of the mental competence of an intoxicated person. Of course,
those engaged in the legitimate protection and support of victims of sexual
assault, are outraged that there would even be such a debate.
Another anecdote highlights the complexity of deception, lying and the
blurred lines between those who engage, compulsively and those who are being
subjected to the obsession. I once worked for a person who had borrowed a
social-justice model of journalism from a Chicago experiment, in which un-and
under-employed youth were invited to learn the skills necessary to journalists
and their craft, while they reported on issues facing their community. Judging
others as compulsive liars, this person was one such. And both the blindness
and the projection of the behaviour onto others was so evident that the ground
on which all were working was, predictably, unsafe.
There is both evidence and reason to make a similar observation of the
current occupant of the Oval Office, from which emerge the most outrageous
statements that do not square with the shared reality of the general
population, or with the shared reality of even the rest of the members of both
houses of Congress. During the course of the campaign, it was then candidate, Ben
Carson, who offered this lame defence, when asked about Trump’s lying: “Well
all politicians lie, don’t they?” as if such behaviour is both so commonplace
and so acceptable as to be unworthy of challenge.
And yet,
deportations that are said to be “no mass deportations” and
walls to be paid for by Mexico that Mexico refuses
to pay for, and
making American great again by nominating a
racist Attorney General and
refusing to disclose tax returns because the
American people are not “interested” and
denying anyone I know had anything to do with
Russians during the campaign, while the evidence mounts to deflate that balloon
defying all appearances and compliance with the
emoluments clause while seeking and accepting profits from the sale of hotel
rooms, banquet rooms and conference rooms, without a hint of remorse, shame or
apology and
declaring the news media “dishonest” (just
another projection of the dishonesty that infests the White House
d denying even knowing who David Duke (KKK
leader) is, while writing executive orders that are demonstrably racist and
white supremacist and
For Trump to accuse Obama of wire-tapping Trump Tower, without acknowledging that presidents do not order warrants from the FISA court and do not plant wire-taps, is just another blatant "lie" of epic proportions.
Malcolm Vance, a counter-intelligence
practitioner told Joy Reed on AMJOY, on MSNBC this weekend that Trump is “flailing” because he knows there are sources of
information out there that are eventually going to corner him on the question of
Russia and his tweets are evidence. If Vance is right, it might be feasible
that we will eventually bear witness to the entrapment of a self-sabotaging,
self-constructed web of lies that impales the president.
Chuck Todd, host of Meet the Press, on MSNBC
and NBC, has recently cut a commercial for the cable news outlet, in which he
cites the rules of basketball and asks the question, “Are there any rules in
politics anymore and is anyone keeping them?”…followed by a piercing “sell line”…”We
are prepared to blow the whistle!”
The world needs an army of whistles and whistle-blowers,
is the tidal wave of lying is to be restrained from drowning the structure, the
tradition and the integrity of American democracy. And the model being
exercised in the White House is giving silent “permission” to lying,
dissembling, deceiving and cover-up at all levels of human discourse.
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