A culture of cameo artists?
Maybe it is the media’s obsessive compulsive magnetic
enmeshment with every Trumptweet…
Maybe it is the scientific and medical fields’
attraction to the microbiology of pathogens….
Maybe it is the ticker to which the eyes of Wall
Street and Fleet Street and King Street and all other financial markets area
Maybe it is the insatiable compulsion humans have for
each and every sound on their smart phones, or emails….
Maybe it is the attention paid to headlines,
without regard to the details of the story
that comprises much of the public discourse…
Maybe it is the stream-of-consciousness parade of
merely headlines, without sentence structure, without narrative, without
context and without the need for any of these in Trump’s vacuous mind….
Whatever IT is, we seem to be far more fixated, if not
addicted to the micro-world, and ready and willing to accept a detached version
of each impulse, almost as if our outer world, the world of sensations,
conversations, relationships and even our understanding of the universe is no
longer premised on our perceived need for a deeper, more complex and more
challenging perspective on all issues in our lives.
We seem quite ready, willing and able to accept a
“dogmatic” and reductionistic sound byte as sufficient for our capacity to
manage our lives. Do we have cancer or not? Do we like spinach or not? Is Putin
another czar or not? Is Trump another Napoleon or not? Is the future clouded in
apocalyptic fires or not? Will OPEC limit production or not? Will we be buried
or cremated? Will this pill fix my pain? Does she love me or not? Is he capable
of being loyal or not? Is the marriage subject to sexual abuse or not? Is there
a God, or not? Is the Islamic threat existential or not? Is the female boss
more enlightened than all those men or not? Is this probiotic more effective
than that probiotic? Will this MRI tell me what is wrong? Are we really victims
of weak leadership in the out-sourcing of industrial jobs? Is China waging a
cyber war against the west, right under our noses or not?
Maybe it is not Trump’s bombast, and his “weaponized
testosterone” campaigning style that is the agent of our deep and profound
dis-ease. Could it be that we have slipped into a mode of both communicating
and thinking, of perceiving and forming attitudes that renders us both
vulnerable to and cynically disposed to whatever the latest “drug” of the
moment happens to be? Could it be that the spiking of deaths from drug
overdoses in many countries and cities around the globe is another of the symptoms
of a culture that no longer “hangs together” the way a novel or a concerto, or
a symphony, or an epic poem once did. Could it be that our interactivity with
the immediate, at such an intense level, giving the ‘instant’ a kind of
gravitas it once did not deserve, in our compulsive grasping for adrenalin,
that we have sabotaged those very human qualities that once commanded a more
reflective perspective? Was the perspective of our ancestors a perspective that
sought out and celebrated the nuanced relationships of men and events, that
pondered the more subjective and unconscious and more long-term truths and
realities without being so driven by the moment?
Literate cultures, given an in-depth understanding of
both history and literature, might have rejected Trump’s sloganeering, his
vacuity, his transactional greed, his manipulation of the masses, the media and
the political establishment. Is that the pipe dream of a romantic idealist of
the liberal studies department? Is the demise of context and the removable of
critical investigative reportage, simply because no one will read it, and
therefore no advertiser will support its publication, underlying the recent
Alt-right political movements that,
based on bigotry, fear and a vacuity of history?
Are we participating in a cultural tsunami that,
without a single shot or bomb or missile being fired, has the potential to wipe
out our collective memory, our collective consciousness, and our conception of
a collective future. Has this tsunami foreclosed on an intellectually framed
world vision that includes a significant look back into our history, and the
history of major civilizations, and a look forward not only to how are we going
to survive but also what kind of future are we prepared to stand up and become
proactive to leave to our grandchildren?
We have collectively watched over the demise of
hundreds of Liberal Arts faculties in North American universities, as we
permitted our higher education institutions to morph into little more than
“trade schools”. We are witnessing a wipe-out of the shared skill of spelling,
grammar, and an interest in
complexities, and in their place, without ever adequately replacing
those given foundational stones for a culture that can understand itself,
others much smarter than we are, and that can critically evaluate the
propositions being put forward by hucksters like Trump.
And he is not the only huckster: there must be a
school for hucksters, charlatans, shill ‘artists’ and those willing and able to
deceive using whatever tricks are at their disposal. (Just today, Princess
Cruise Lines was fined $40 MILLION for secretly pumping waste from its ships
through a hidden pipe for decades! The hidden pipe made it possible for their
ships to escape failure on legitimate environmental tests! Anyone ese wondering
if the executives at Princess are clones of the executives at Volkswagen?)
There is some evidence that books are not going to
their grave anytime soon. (Just a hunch, many of those readers are above fifty,
raised on some intensive reading courses in their now “antediluvian”
W seem to have fragmented our attention span, our need
for instant gratification (from working to achieve a goal as a reward for the
hard work) to a collective and shared OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
Of course, intimately buried in this culture is the
predictable frustration that all of our petty, micro and silly “desires” are
not and will not be met.
There used to be a kind of attitude among athletic
coaches that a game of basketball or hockey was a lot like life, and could
teach the participants important life lessons. Well, there may still be some
truth in the aphorism. However, in a
professional hockey game, for example, players take only 40-45 second shifts
and their speed, the number of their shots on goal, the number of ‘hits’ and
the number of goals and assists they accomplish in that very tiny window is
recorded for posterity, as well as for future negotiations come contract
renewal time.
Sadly, that picture is not applicable to one’s seven
or eight or perhaps even nine decades on the planet. We simply cannot sustain
the kind of pressure, scrutiny and obsessive need for detailed accomplishments
from every ‘shift’ in our professional life or in our relationships. Demanding
such accomplishments from others, too, will drive both parties in the absurd
equation to madness.
And yet, there is a reasonable and credible argument
to be made that that is precisely what we are doing, to ourselves, and to each
There is a theory about “cameo” art (painting) that allows
the painter to have complete control of the work, given the miniature size of
the project. Is this analogy representative of the kind of thinking, reporting,
discussing, and more recently campaigning to which we have agreed to be
subjected. A culture of cameo artists,
propagating more of their own kind, will generate a generation or two of young
people who believe that in order to be “successful” and to fit into the world around
them, they must become “cameo artists” like everyone else.
What would become of the visionaries in a world in
which cameo artists and their clones in most if not all academic disciplines,
professions, including the political class are running things?
Or course the obvious answer is that metaphoric trains will run off many tracks,
previously considered because as the Auditor General says, the military
tragically missed judging the cost of maintaining our F-18’s, as well as the cost
of keeping the fleet of submarines sipping through the oceans….There is a real
price to the kind of culture that is becoming normalized and a fix, if there is
to be one, is going to be increasingly problematic. Finding those who think
that a balance between micro and macro thinking, planning, envisioning,
imagining will be difficult if not impossible.
And while now repressive culture, even one worshipping
at the altar of cameo’s, cannot and will not repress the poets, the eccentrics
and the visionaries. However, their ilk will be more and more needed in the
public arena, and the supply of their kind will be so depleted that we will
continue to have to pay a huge price for what some call political correctness, and
others call “covering your ass.”
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