Reflections on SENSITIVITY
on sensitivity
the heart that is soonest awake to the flowers is always the first to be
touch’d by the thorns. (Thomas Moore)
There is something tragic and dipped in pathos about
this truth.
Sensitivity, that quality that carries a burden in a
world so disparaging of its gifts, and so championing of its weakness, is so
admired by women in gay men, and so despised in other men by straight men.
Sensitivity, that emotional radar, on whose screen
fall the images of hurting, whether personal or merely visible in others; sensitivity,
the sometimes too close to the surface (as in thin skin) frown, tear, wince or
even scream….when others cannot even see or imagine what might be upsetting.
Social implications
Sensitivity, that quality that isolates one from so
many others, who themselves are isolated from their emotions, their hearts and
the intimate connection to their imagination. It brings the first touch, sight,
scent, melody to the inner heart as gift magnified for closer reflection,
musing and interpretation. Whether of a rose, or from the hand of a new love
over a candlelight dinner, or from the strings of the violin playing in the far
corner of the dining room, or from a petal in a summer garden, or from a neck
resting on a shoulder, tossing hints of perfume through the darkness….these are
just some of the poignant and memorable gifts of sensitivity.
And then there are the verbal nuances in tone and
choice of word, and the unfinished thoughts left hanging, the lift of the
eyebrows, the turning up of the nose, and the ever so slight wave of the hand,
in a dismissive shrug of insouciance…each of these also comprise the language
of relational meaning, understanding, connection or the breaking of that
connection….And the sensitive man or woman either sender or receiver of any of
thee gestures is fully conscious of their potential impact….rarely
misinterpreted by another equally sensitive.
This stuff comprises a language for which a formal
school curriculum has not been deigned or delivered. It is, however, the stuff
of many failed attempts to connect and to stay connected to another. We are
supposed to “pick it up” from our social contacts, our family, school,
churches, or even from workplaces where human encounters prevail. However,
imagine growing up in a home where sensitivity is debased, disparaged,
disdained and denied. I recall a conversation, following a poetry-reading of
some Robert Service poetry which evoked tears in an elderly man, in his
eighties. It was some of the same poetry his father had read to him many
decades before, and the memory simply overwhelmed him. When the story was
recounted to the man’s spouse, her comment, after sixty years of marriage was
“Well, everybody knows he has always been a cry-baby!” Sadly, the wife had
lived a life devoid of and dismissive of the golden gifts of both poetry and
sensitivity, and her husband had merely kept his sensitivity hidden, so risky
would it have been to let it out of his locked heart.
And then there is the “other” side of the quality of
sensitivity; it is also always the first to notice the thorn on the rose, and
this can be quite disconcerting to those who have not yet witnessed the thorn,
or whose imagination had not yet brought it into “view”. So, while sensitivity
enriches its possessor through a significantly enhanced experience of so many
stimuli, both physical and emotional, and, if and when shared those intimate
details can and will also enrich others who may not have developed their own
sensitivity, it can and will also irritate, annoy, and possibly even upset both
the sensor and his or her friends.
Being the first to notice the thorn on the rose (as
metaphor) can generate a reputation as a negative influence, someone who can
and does exaggerate the ‘thorns’ in a culture in which flowers, smiles, happy
thoughts and positive attitudes generate respect, personability, likeability,
and even enhance one’s reputation. However, like the canary in the coal mine,
the sensitive person is also a gift to those who depend on its highly specific
and very early notice of whatever might be about to appear on the horizon of a
personal situation, or even an organizational conundrum, before those charged
with responsibility have become conscious of the danger.
For parents, this sensitivity protects their children
from the obvious poison ivies of the world, the bad parsnip weed, the literal
odour of an intoxicated man, the danger of an oncoming car before a toddler
wanders onto the roadway, the dog that is loose in the neighbourhood, and the
unwelcome and unwanted danger in a parked suitcase in an airport or a train
Personal Relationship implications
When two sensitive persons mate both the rewards and
the risks are elevated: the rewards come in so many situations, with both
appreciating an orchestral performance, a complex movie or drama, a developing news
story whose outcome holds significant impact for the local culture, and the
immediate grasp of the other’s inattention, boredom, discomfort, and even the
first hint of disappointment or anger. On he downside, should some of these
signs be noticed and become the source of anxiety for either partner, the
potential for conflict, both warranted and not so much, grows.
Sensitivity can exaggerate both a perception and an
action or attitude; and so, like a fairly high-strung dog, often needs to be
put into context, a shared context so that both partners can accept a common
view of the signs emerging from under the emotional microscope.
And, as one learns to anticipate one’s own
sensitivity, and to respect another’s sensitivity, one gains a deeper
appreciation of this often maligned emotional perspicacity and emotional
intelligence. Once born and established, it becomes an integral part of the
hard wiring of the person.
Security and Intelligence implications
From a surveillance perspective, sensitivity is not
only required; it is welcomed. And, should one anticipate entering the security
and intelligence business, one’s aptitude for this quality will be tested,
developed and deployed every moment of one’s engagement in this sector. Seeing,
hearing, smelling, and noticing those specific indicators of behaviour that
require and demand scrutiny, detention, investigation and potential legal
process comprise the core of this sector.
And, then there is also the intersect of sensitivity
dependent on empirical evidence and intuition when one suspects some
malfeasance before the evidence emerges. And that kind of self-discipline is
analogous to the early training of a downhill skier, learning to snow-plow and
turn prior to descending the hill, in order to accomplish a full stop, prior to
a fall or injury.
Here is where sensitivity is most admired and
deployed. It is the artists eye, ear, nose and touch that bring into his
conscious imagination the grist for his creative mill and the flour of his
grinding…on the canvas, on the poetic manuscript, on the symphonic manuscript,
and in the various three-dimension portraits in stone, wood, acrylic, and thread,
as well as the highly symbolic dance moves of ballet, jazz, tap and modern. It
is sensitivity to the world around the artist, and the imaginative
re-interpretation, re-working, re-introducing those specific aspects of his
world for his audience that keeps us walking through galleries, buying tickets
for the symphony and the opera, frequenting concerts and art museums. And it is
sensitivity that unites both artists and audience, in a harmony of shared and
enhanced experience, parallels of which are inaccessible and often unavailable
from other experiences of vocation, in fields like science, the law, medicine,
politics, accounting and even journalism.
The poet’s eye (including all of his senses) both
mirrors his universe and shines a new light on that universe, and depending on
the period of history, expands and enhances the experience of his audience, in
a way no other exposure can do.
Human civilization is so dependent on the sensitivity
of the human capacity to perceive and to intuit, and the imagination to create
new expressions of previously ordinary experiences that our spirit literally
craves its fullest support and expression. And where the human spirit is
repressed, locked up, under surveillance and even punished for its fullest and
freest expression, the sensitivity of those in power is also repressed, locked
up, under surveillance and facing potential punishment.
There are so many undiscovered artists and poets whose
sensitivity has been smothered sometimes unconsciously by those urging them to
find a real “job” and other times by those who are literally afraid of the
human imagination to inspire, to enliven and even sometimes to frighten.
Suggesting to an executive that males could and should
learn to accept and to name and to honour their emotional sensitivity in a
rather challenging meeting, a few years back, evoked the largest cataract of
male fear and anxiety I had ever seen in well over half a century. And the sad
thing is, those men even today, are still likely making wide detours around
their sensitivity, their imagination and the many gifts a direct route into and
through those sensitivities would offer to them personally and to all of their
families and colleagues. And they claimed to be operating in a spiritual
context and culture.
Tragic….and yet repeated in every country and in most
organizations around the world. And both the pharmacology and the cardiac
businesses are reaping the fiscal plunder, while the shrinks are overwhelmed
with work that the man who listened to the Robert Service poetry did not and
would not need today.
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