Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Canadians complacent and worthless on global warming and climate change

Why, in much of the ink that is being spilled about the upcoming G-20, is there not more talk about how the Canadian government is going to address the issue of climate change, in co-operation with the other world leaders?
Canada has failed to live up to the commitment it made on Kyoto emission standards and there is no evident program in place to meet the emission reductions to which she has committed to by 2020. There is a growing question of whether or not Canada's "word" is worthy anything on this file, among world leaders many of whom have turned the corner, with their people, on making a substantial change in their  impact on the environment.
Even China has slowed its construction of coal-fired plants, and committed to a more "green" approach to its own development. The U.S. is no longer a credible "excuse" for the Canadian government not to generate an approach to limit carbon emission, through a tax, or a cap and trade system. And there is no long-term future in pegging our economy and our dollar to the Athabaska tar sands, from which expensive oil is being extracted, with virtually no constrictions on the impact the project is leaving on the environment.
Canada is in danger of becoming a non-player on the environment file, and the people of this country are barely uttering a whisper in objection to the government's defiant stand.
Are we that much a bunch of sheep that we are so complacent that our children and grandchildren will have to face a world where the struggle for depleted resources including food, and water and clear air will be so tense that it could lead to violence?
Is Canada the only country in the world where the naysayers to climate change and global warming are in the ascendancy? Is this the legacy of all the ground-breaking work done by David Suzuki and his Foundation to wake us up to the dangerous path we are on?
How ironic that we can produce television documentaries that show the world what wonderful communicators there are in our talent pool, but have no appetite for real and substantive change to our policy and attitudes on this important issue.
Perhaps, some motivation of the Prime Minister might be the desired result of his encounter with the other world leaders, who might just give his head a shake, and wake him up to his global responsibilities. There could be some hope coming out of France on this issue, no?


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