Hillary and Biden to Switch Posts?
About.com, the Liberal blog about American politics published some White House rumours today:
- that Rahm Emmanuel will be leaving his post as Chief of Staff in the Obama White House within the year;
- that David Axelrod will be leaving as Chief Advisor to the President within the year to return to Chicago;
- that Vice-president Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will change places before the end of 2011.
The "Left" is ecstatic just to hear the whispers; everyone knows that Obama's approval ratings have taken a substantial "hit" in recent weeks, and gearing up for congressional elections in November of 2010 has already begun. Moving both Emmanuel and Axelrod will open desks that can be filled by more diplomatic, creative and professional political pros and that will help to provide new creative options for both policy and for campaigning.
We're not quite sure who is providing the music in the White House, although Paul McCartney was recently feted there, but the musical chairs have just begun. Stay "tuned"...and pardon the pun!
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